EUROPEAN TOUR (dates from MFN)

when im a nurse, i will make a infusion for coffee addicts..before you go to work, you just inject yourself with coffee and youre ready to go! simple and easy!

ooh, im gonna be a millionare..
But what about when I want to have coffee at work? I bet people would look at me funny if I started to inject myself and explain "ooh, it's just to keep me up and energised, nothing serious"

I'll stick to the good old black water they fill their automats with here.
then i just need to invent an injection that keeps you going the whole day you know..then you can drink something that tastes better than that shitty thing that comes from the machine. and please, dont even call it coffee, cos it isnt..
krakow is going ahead but not announced probably because theres only a very limited anount of tickets and there might be a big demand, if they say about the DVD.
yes, it would be nice to get a tickets to the krakow gig..otherwise its gonna be a shitty thing for us to travel all the way from here..oh well, lets hope its gonna be alright.
let us know, when theres any info about it!
DragonLady1 said:
ah cool, so now I just have to find someone who wants to go there with me as my bf doesnt like anathema that much ;) but I'm sure I could find someone :)
i just hope i can go....but then we'll meet there for sure!
Ok.. Eup just opened my eyes. Ermm.. according to our original travel schedule we're gonna be in Warsaw on the morning of 30th day and we were supposed to immediately continue from there to Krakow. But hell whaddyaknow, Anathema has a gig there that day :lol:

So Elzka. You feel up for it? :tickled: