European tour...


New Metal Member
Apr 19, 2005
My friend and I are going to most of the gigs on the European tour, we were wondering if anyone wants to meet up with us at any of the sites on the tour, we're going to be travelling by train, so we can be at any of the venues quite early. We don't really know anyone in any of the countries, and neither of us have been to most of the cities on the list, so we would appreciate it if someone would show us round, chat to us etc. Especially in Amsterdam lol. Send me an IM or reply on here if you're interested.
We're from England, we live near to Swindon. We'll be at all the gigs apart from Manchester, Koln and Oslo
Yeah but the fact is that we also want to travel through Europe, and what better way than by following one of our favourite bands? Money isn't everything, the experience of travelling like that, living crappy for a couple of weeks, thats all part of the tour.
<crimson> said:
have fun spending a ridiculous amount of money to see the same set 10 times. as i've said in a different thread, i don't understand why people follow a band on the same tour.
Being European is different i think. We usually look at the bands from different perspective. We give them more importance and respect ,and we have a different kind of passion or something.
For example Anathema toured in Turkey in five different cities, many of my friends followed them around no matter what cost.

But in America you for sure know that Opeth will visit your city sooner or later. They will definitely tour in USA at least one time a year. (Or at lest you can predict which cities they will stop by, so you have a very good chance to see them again and again) But in Europe it's different, you don't know for sure if they will come near you, and when is the next time they will do a headline tour. ( usually on summers they go to festivals and stuff )

Yarno said:
Yeah but the fact is that we also want to travel through Europe, and what better way than by following one of our favourite bands? Money isn't everything, the experience of travelling like that, living crappy for a couple of weeks, thats all part of the tour.

that's understandable. I sometimes forget how spoiled I am to live in Southern California. I think it is some sort of requirement for every band to play in Los Angeles at least once (and often every tour)
Yer, I think we're sorted for London, cos we're missing the Manchester gig, to see Nile in London, so we'll be there the day before, cheers for the offer though, if you want to meet up with us, go for a subway or something, that'd be cool.
Rush live is awesome - the 30th Anniversary tour was amazing. But I do agree that the same setlist every night is not my preference. I saw Rush twice on the Test For Echo tour (Boston and Toronto) and the shows were the same from start to finish. A little ad-libbing or a surprise song is nice.

It's also tough when someone on the boards invariably posts the setlist after show number 1 and I'm going to show number 38.

Then again, I understand from the band's point of view that having the same set each night creates comfort and continuity.
hey, isn't Profanity from Manchester? how cool would it be to travel Europe with *him*?
*wrings hands in fit of jealousy*
"Looking for a Job" said:
well that wouldn't be that bad then, assuming they do some kind of change in setlist. like metallica last year played a whole bunch of old songs at different shows. one night you'd hear trapped under ice, then disposable heroes the next night, etc...that would've been badass

yeap i saw metallica on that tour at the nassau collesium. Great show, they brought back metal militia
I'll try to get to the gig in Finland but I don't know if I can get in since I'm 16 and the gig has age limit of 18 years. sucks :erk:
NineFeetUnderground said:
you obviously havent seen Rush live...;)

hahaha! word!

I went seeing them to Chech, Prague last september. I rememeber bunch of crazy Brazilians, who probably toured most of the Europe with Rush... can't get, how they can afford it?
One of the craziest brazilians was a bitch who just stayed in merchantize line and bought t-shirts and shit to all those brazilians. Well it wasn't very nice but we had to remove her from that line with brutal force :) Go home bitch! We, estonians, have also money, we also want Rush shit!

Planning to see Opeth in Finland and Hungary at Sziget Festival this year.

Rush fans are weird people, myself included...