Even Kerrang! hails HCDR

Mad Butcher

New Metal Member
Jan 7, 2003
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For those who aren't aware Kerrang! are the biggest and most legendary rock mag in U.K. They used to be more metal in the past but nowadays they concentrate heavily on alt.rock/nu-metal/pop-punk shit and give very little or none exposure to (european)metal bands.

So I was very suprised when they gave half page (main) review for HCDR and the guy who reviewed it, gave it 4/5 and said basicly "this is the sound of future" etc. etc.

What do you British fans think, will this give CoB new fans or will the trend following teens just ignore it, 'cos the guys have long hair, they don't rap and they are not from USA? :cool:
Kerrang Blows - in all honesty i really dont like it because it concentrates on "popular metal" and very very rarely gives any space to extreme metal or europian metal bands.....shocking! lol

I much prefer to read terroriser :D
actually, i remember when something wild was new, they gave it 4K's, and praised the lead work as well, althoiugh it was only a small review

but anyway, i think this thing with kerrang is to do with a new editor, who focusses a lot more on hardcore and metal, BUT I STILL WONT BUY IT

Bah, while I may be a regular on their message board, I wouldn't touch Kerrang! magazine with a 40ft barge pole! However, it is nice to see COB getting some recognition in there, amongst all the nu-metal/pop-punk/indie crap.

Let's just hope that this is the beginning of a trend. :D
Kerrang was once great, I used to collect every issue.
A few years back they sold out and turned nu-metal, punk etc.
Here in the UK they have their own TV channel and some of the bands I see when I am channel surfing are bad beyond belief.

Anyhow they have been kissing Opeth's ass bigtime since their 'Deliverance' album came, maybe it's Bodom's turn now.
Originally posted by somefuckingwarrior
im from england UK. i hate that we get this bullshit popular metal magazines. i feel sorry for america all the same for having it. if they do ?? do other countries like finland..sweden get this shit too?

other than metal maniacs, our "metal" magazines are worse
I stopped buying Kerrang about a year ago... I started getting Metal Hammer, but that's starting to go downhill a bit imo