Ever Dream! (Nightwish cover)


Apr 3, 2008
Málaga, Spain
Hi guys!

Here you have a cover of the song Ever Dream by Nighwish. :D

We wanted to record, mix and produce one well know song before start with our songs (and you know... almost every band start doing covers hehe)

Guitars: Cort EVL K6 and Ibanez Prestige, using PODXT.
Bass: No idea.
Drums: Half samples from our drumkit, half andy sneap samples.
Cubase Sx3
Battery (for the samples)
Hypersonic y EWQL for the keyboards and orchestra.
Lot of plugins for EQ, compression... sony oxford mainly.

Hope you like it!


Cheers :kickass:

Edited: Uploaded at goear too http://www.goear.com/listen.php?v=297e4e9
"bateria"??? for drums? hehe.... to be sincere, distorted guitars are too much fizzy and clean guitars to loud, is sounding cool in the begining, but not to ride across the song.... i like the vocals, but some dubs could be better...
Im from spain and seems that i wrote "bateria" instead of drums lol :lol:

Thx for the comment Dom Ostarig :). Its our first serious recording and mix, so we have a lot to learn hehe.
