Henrik Main
Erik said:That must be like totally expensive, what with your ULTRA EXPENSIVE NORWEGIAN BOOZE & BEER.
Heavy metal & thrash metal terror is at its very best intoxicated, well at least slightly beered.
Aye, it's indeed expensive, but being the spoiled kids we are, we get quite a lot of money from family & friends to buy beer and stuff for. It's more scary with the Oslo guys spending 40 000 NOK (about $ 6370) on BUSES.
Your last statement is pretty much correct.
Erik said:So that one chick was like "lol what's your favourite band then?" and I was like "dude ima not tell you cause whatever the fuck i say you wouldn't know cause it isn't like guns n roses" and she's like "well try me" and i was like "ok BATHORY" and shes like "..." and i was like "see, i told you." Then Mike stole a glass of Guinness off the bar counter and proceeded to spill it all over the table.