pull the plug 20 minutes into your 30 minute set? Yeah, it sucks..
Anyone else have interesting 'sound guy' experiences?
Anyone else have interesting 'sound guy' experiences?
I know of plenty of instances where the sound guy has pulled the plug.
but usually for a good reason. what was his?
My personal experiences with sound guys suck..
First bad experience(Apart from previous guys doing a shitty job.), involved the sound guy coming up on stage, and asking where the powered line out was on my guitar amp.. because apparently they didnt have anything but a passive monitor for the drums that they "used to hook up to the guitarists amp".
Second bad experience was when i had just ran over the stage and setup all the amps for our band to play(Since no-one else knew shit about sound, i had to do it.).. next thing i see is the sound guy running up on the stage, turning all the mids down on everything and cranking the bass and treble.. when i confronted him he told me that too much mids would cause feedback! Yeah, he was serious about it.. i didnt know if i should have cried or laughed.
Third bad experience involved a broken JCM800.. i plugged my guitar in(It had really high output pickups btw.), cranked the gain, hit a chord and only heard a dark flubby undistorted sound.. so i thought i had the volume on the guitar almost all the way down or something, but no!
So i checked the amp and noticed that one of the preamp tubes was shot, so i called the sound guy up on stage, and he claimed "thats how JCM800's sound, you should have brought a distortion pedal dude!".. i was so close to punching the guy in the face that im actually a bit proud that i didnt(We ended up having to get my dad to drive back to our house to get my shitty Randall ss-amp.. so we didnt get our soundcheck.).
Fourth bad experience involved a stage monitor stuffed with a wet mattress, because it had been filled with water the day before(Rainy festival.).. it gave all these weird crackling noises from time to time, and when we asked the tech's to pull it off stage(Because we didnt want to get electrocuted.) they just ignored us completely.
That exact thing happened to me the other day...
Now, I'm not saying anything here negatively, just sharing some thoughts.
Let them have their little ego trip. They're doing live sound because they failed at being a musician, so let them have their little power trip.
Keep your cool. Stay professional. Chances are, a few people left that gig that night thinking you were a bit of a wanker, and wrote your band off for good.
If you need to blow steam, come to the Sneap forum and do it - don't do it on stage, it's just no professional dude.
the first time (and only time) i saw misery signals they were only allowed to play their intro and one song (off malice cause thats the only cd they had out then). We all knew they had been fucked over cause the singer said "what a fucking joke" and threw the mic down. The rest of the band had smiles on their face because of his reaction.
So the promoter was like "ooh ok then you can play your full set but don't waste too much time between songs" - which we didn't. We were playing when about 20 minutes in the sound guy comes up and says "last song" to which I tried to get the crown on my side. Everyone started chanting "2 more songs, 2 more songs" I looked at the soundguy and he said "1!" So i was like fuck you then. My guitarist talked me down onstage quickly and I barely performed the last song. Kinda stupidly. I regret the incident but we had borrowed the band before us and the headline band our equipment to use, we'd been there on time before any other band, we had stated BEFORE we went on we wanted our full set otherwise we would leave and yet we still got fucked. Funnily enough, the headline guys got about 50 minutes and didn't get cut short.. Even were allowed a 10 minute soundcheck - we weren't even allowed a line check! We were totally fucking screwed over.
I just suddenly feel even LESS motivated to get a band going after reading all these horror stories.