I played a show with my former death metal band, 4 bands together, we were the youngest
and played together for 3 years and about 75 shows, so no dumbass guys who had their first show.
So all bands arrived 4 hours before the doors opened, we went to the soundguy and asked when
we're going to do our soundcheck-he answered: "no soundcheck, just a short linecheck, that's it"
Many guys in the other bands just worked half of the day because they wanted to be there soon
to do the soundcheck (the venue is for 500 people, they did a lot of promotion so chances were
good that many people came) so they got pissed a little bit.
But we all just chilled a bit.
The first band started, playing technical, modern thrash metal and it just sounded like shit.
The band had good equipment and are great players (they acutally are ALL teachers at their
instrument) and the venue has good equipment, too.
So I was sitting next to the soundguy, listening to fucking loud vocals and kickdrums that were
just low frequencies.
After the first song, the singer asked if he could turn the guitars up a little in the monitor and the drums,
vocals down, or turn everything besides the guitars down.
You know what the soundguy did? He turned almost every knob to 10..., the only knob I saw that wasn't
on 10 was the mid eq for the guitars...that was at 0.
Than, somebody came up to the soundguy, said that he's just able to hear the kickdrum and the vocals
and that the mix is really muddy and that it's way to loud (it was reallllllllyyyy loud!!!).
He said "this music has to be loud, but I can do something about the mix", so due to the fact that vocals and kickdrum
was to loud, he turned everything else UP!
Than he realized that there's to much bass...yeah, that has to be the bass that fights the kickdrum, so he instantly
turned the kickdrum up...
After the band finished they were really angry and asked him what all that shit was.
He answered: "it's not my fault that you guys have no clue how to play and how to treat your equipment,
you (pointing at the guitar player) had the mid knob on your amp up to 5/10, that just has to sound like
In the end, the other bands went to the guys who organized the show and told them that they won't play
if that soundguy mixes them. The last band had a friend with them who works as a soundguy from time to
time and he mixed the rest of the night and from that time, everything sounded great, almost the best sound
I've ever had on stage.
That was my only real bad experience, I am just nice to the soundguy, chat a little bit with them, ask them if
they want a beer or something (as long as it's free for me

) because I want that he doesn't think that we're
assholes, because if the soundguy wants to fuck you up with a bad sound most of the audience is still
blaming you.