ever heard this Finn band?


Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
Visit site
Any of you guys heard Khert-Neter? its the side project of some of the guys from the Horna/Pest circle of musicians, and is supposed to be technical blackened death (!)....any comments?
Yeah....have heard of them because they had (or have?!) a website and 1 or 2 downloadable songs...hm...if I remember right the music was OK but nothing special...but didn't they change their name to KALMISTO?!
i have their album "Arrival Of The Funeral Dogs". oldschool death metal. few songs are pretty good, but others are poor. very unequal album... ohhh... in this band play guy from Horna... they have website, but i don't remember now where...
Hi lads. I saw this thread and yearned to answer on behalf of our band.

Our new self-produced album, "Images of Khepri" is finally out -
and can be listened/ordered from our website.

Also first gigs will take place in some major cities(in Finland) in few months with finnish Death Metal pioneers Deep Red and Torture Killer. More info from the website...

Best regards,

Anssi/ Khert-Neter