Ever run in to someone you haven't seen in years, only to come to find that ...

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
the person is braindead?!? I was walking in to the neighborhood sandwich shop today after I was next door at the beauty salon watching Climb Thar receive a manicure. (No Joke) And low and behold there is an old "acquaintance" sitting at one of the tables totally hoegaardened out of his wits. I kindly greet the long lost cohort, now vagabond. He responds in kindly by stumbling to his feet and proceeds to embrace my shoulder with a touch I would not even permit my aunt Gladys to pursue. Moral of the story, this guy was fucking gone. If I didn't know who he was from back in the days of yesteryear, it would simply be easy to mistake him for a skidrow tent pitcher. It's totally mind boggling what a few ***** can do to what was once a bright mind. Truely sad.
one time there was this kid in grade 6 and he moved , and he came back last year (Grade 10) and I was all like "hey, didn't you have a rabbit?" and he was like "yes man" to which I replied "cool." story of my life, unfortunately.
Doomcifer said:
I'm not sure, I shouldn't be posting. but the closest I have to what this thread is about is how a kid moved away for a few years ago and I talked to him because I remembered his rabbit
Doomcifer said:
lol, word.

Yulesmith owns ye soul matey. argh.

Several hours ago I went to a big beer specialty store to peruse the aisles. No yulesmith in sight, they had about every other Ale Smith brew in stock though. I left empty handed as their selection was average at best. I may turn to purchasing brews online. I really need to try that dogfish head beer you keep raving about.
Trylakos said:
I'm not sure, I shouldn't be posting. but the closest I have to what this thread is about is how a kid moved away for a few years ago and I talked to him because I remembered his rabbit

Do you have any friends? You know, in real life?
so how long have you had that url copied waiting to find an opportunity that at least seems to be slightly appropriate to paste it
Reign in Acai said:
Several hours ago I went to a big beer specialty store to peruse the aisles. No yulesmith in sight, they had about every other Ale Smith brew in stock though. I left empty handed as their selection was average at best. I may turn to purchasing brews online. I really need to try that dogfish head beer you keep raving about.

Which one??? If it;s the DFH 90 Minute, it was a lot better a year ago and prior but they changed the recipe slightly and stopped bottle-conditioning it, etc. Its still a kickass brew, just not as GODLY as it used to be.

I dont see you praising too many DIPAs though. Are you a hophead like me? If not, acquaint yourself with some high class IPA's first. If you are a fan of Imperial Stouts, once it gets a bit colder it will be THAT time..heaidng that way now, get the fucking Speedway Stout. Good fucking gawd!
Never heard of either of those breweries matey. I am a mere novice in your beerhemoth presence. Yea Speedway Stout is next on my list of brews to wipe me across the floor. Do you post on beeradvocate.com my good man?!?!

And to answer your question. Yes it was the 90 min IPA.
Reign in Acai said:
Never heard of either of those breweries matey. I am a mere novice in your beerhemoth presence. Yea Speedway Stout is next on my list of brews to wipe me across the floor. Do you post on beeradvocate.com my good man?!?!

And to answer your question. Yes it was the 90 min IPA.

Yes, I do. My name is the same. You can check out my reviews and shit. Im a lazy fucker so I only review shit in spurts.