Evergrey DVD


New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2004
Well, I was on Ebay the other day, searching for Evergrey stuff. I came across a live DVD that looked like this..
Well, I was like "cool!" and I bid 23.00 on it. Unfortunately, I lost. Does anybody know where I can get this DVD?
Looks like a bootleg. I remember KTS (kiss the stone) from the 90's, I think they were out of Italy?...they made some great soundboard boots though. I didnt know they were still around. If memory serves they got shut down. I wonder if the evergrey boys know about this one...
They haven`t released a DVD yet

Lacrawl said:
Well, I was on Ebay the other day, searching for Evergrey stuff. I came across a live DVD that looked like this..
Well, I was like "cool!" and I bid 23.00 on it. Unfortunately, I lost. Does anybody know where I can get this DVD?
Joel-RZ said:
Looks like a bootleg. I remember KTS (kiss the stone) from the 90's, I think they were out of Italy?...they made some great soundboard boots though. I didnt know they were still around. If memory serves they got shut down. I wonder if the evergrey boys know about this one...

What is a bootleg?
When an Evergrey DVD comes out... I'm gonna watch it every day.
a bootleg is an unofficial release. Its like.... someone taped the show with a camcorder and made a dvd out of it. The video and audio quallity is prolly fairly low. If EG had released a DVD there woulda been news on the site about it. Hopefully someday they will release a real dvd, but this one is fake.
If the audio is from the soundboard, as RZ suggested, then the audio quality wouldn't be low at all. Granted, most times it is since the audio is recorded with the camera mic.
How is this one 'fake'? It's not like it seems to say anywhere in big print "THIS IS THE OFFICIAL EVERGREY DVD."
TheFourthHorseman said:
How is this one 'fake'? It's not like it seems to say anywhere in big print "THIS IS THE OFFICIAL EVERGREY DVD."

Well, I don't know about you, but I'll go with Carina's word on the matter. ;)
TheFourthHorseman said:
How is this one 'fake'? It's not like it seems to say anywhere in big print "THIS IS THE OFFICIAL EVERGREY DVD."

ok it snot "fake" its obviously a real live show, but its not official, and the package itself is misleading. They have a barcode on the back to make you think its from a store, or something official.
It is a bootleg with fairly professional looking graphics...one way you can tell it isn't authentic is by the lacking of a record label logo and copyright, and the fact that an official DVD would probably contain more than a half-hour set...
you just have to look at the poor designed cover and compare it to anything thats official to understand that evergrey would never release an dvd with such a shitcover