Evergrey parts ways with bassist

Here's his reasoning for leaving:

"After a long time of consideration and many, many hours of thinking I now, with sadness, announce my departure from the band.

"I have been a part of the band for seven years and during that time I have experienced so much and I have seen more than I ever thought I would. But now it is time for me to say goodbye.

"My reason for doing this is that I feel a strong urge to do something different in music. This is the one and only reason and it's 100% my own decision.

"I want to thank the boys for all the good times we have had together thoughout the years. I wish them the best of all success, something they truly deserve and without doubt will achieve."
"My reason for doing this is that I feel a strong urge to do something different in music. This is the one and only reason and it's 100% my own decision."

So, essentially, the only reason he's leaving is he's no longer a fan of Evergrey's music? Interesting. There's been a lot of conversation about Monday Morning Apocalypse and just how much of a departure it was for Evergrey. It seems Mike views it as a significant departure, unless he's been contemplating this change for a while.

Cheiron said:
I'm trying to think of 70s/80s bands with stable lineups. Many of them had somebody come or go, guitarists changing all over, band starts up and ends within a few years, members die, etc.

It seems to happen in Metal a bit more than a lot of 'pop culture' bands though. And yeah, that probably has a lot to do with money/lifestyle.

Until Freddies' death, Queen lasted about 20 years together. Maybe Aerosmith?
Troy the nomad said:
Until Freddies' death, Queen lasted about 20 years together. Maybe Aerosmith?

Oh there are some for sure. But I mean... a large percentage different from what it is today. Though off hand, I can't think of any large metal bands that have had their same roster for even the last 5 years. Must be some... >_>

Really side note. Come Clarity has sold 77,000 + copies in the US. Impressive.
Sad news, but Tom has always had quality players in the band, so I am not worried.
Pelata said:
Bummer...I remember when he left THE FORSAKEN to stay with EVERGREY full time...maybe he'll go back to Death Metal?

First thing, is this just sucks, Mike was an awesome dude to hang with, I am glad I got to know him and I am sure he will be around in some form or another!!!

Second is when I was hanging out with him last year, not sure what has happened since but he said he was working with The Forsaken again back then, so maybe thats what he is going to do, not sure I havent heard from him for a while.

ConnieOH said:
Oh, man this is really a shock. I'm sorry to see this happen. I know he is a member of The Project Hate, who's music is supposed to be on the heavier side. So maybe that is what he is after right now - something heavier...

I forgot about The Project Hate! One thing is for sure, we'll be hearing more from Michael. :kickass:

Interesting that All Ends and The Project Hate both have female vocalists.
For consistent bands:

Metallica has remained relatively consistent since 1983 - only changing bass players: Burton (RIP) -> Newsted -> Trujillo

Iron Maiden has remained relatively consistent since the mid-80's: vocals from Dickinson -> Bayley -> Dickinson; guitars from Smith/Murray -> Murray/Gers -> Smith/Murray/Gers

Rush hasn't changed in decades - Lee, Lifeson, Peart
Metalhed said:
For consistent bands:

Metallica has remained relatively consistent since 1983 - only changing bass players: Burton (RIP) -> Newsted -> Trujillo

Iron Maiden has remained relatively consistent since the mid-80's: vocals from Dickinson -> Bayley -> Dickinson; guitars from Smith/Murray -> Murray/Gers -> Smith/Murray/Gers

Rush hasn't changed in decades - Lee, Lifeson, Peart

Metallica- Yep dismissed because of said changes.

Iron Maiden- Yeah, but on quick count 13 members.

Rush-How'd I miss Rush!?
Damn, too bad, great guy, great musician and great stage presence. Hopefully, he'll go on to do more somewhere else.

I was kind of surpised by this announcement since he had this to say when I interviewed him in May:
We’ve had several line-up changes in the past, which has been a problem, but it has also been positive, because we have been getting new ideas into the band with new members. Now we’ve found, like, the perfect line-up for the band. We’re very tight as a unit now. Everything works out very good.
But I guess a few months can change anything and he needs to move on to something different.
This is VERY sad news :(. Michael will be greatly missed. At least the band has Larsson to fall back on. Thank youuu Death Destruction! lol. I'm sure regardless this will not make or break the amazing show we will be seeing very soon. Cheers!
Early Maiden went thorugh many changes - but from Piece of Mind in 1983 until today, 23 years, they have had 7 members (with one of those very short lived and replaced by the original guy). To me, that is consistency (compared to today's metal scene)...

For those with no changes, add Led Zeppelin to the list...
I'm going to agree that most bands can have issues keeping members in a stable line-up, but with one caveat: each year the band members we love grow older and change lifestyles. Mike was in Evergrey for seven years, which to me is a remarkable amount of time.
That being said: this sucks!