Evergrey should have a bio on their site

just look for interview with tom or henrik, that hould answer the quetion about how the baned member joined evergrey. all i know jonas was the drum tech and after carlsson left the band they had him join the banned. rock on
Well, I was hoping for more, like how did Tom develop the idea for the sound using Carina, finding the members as they came along, and the songwriting process. He seems pretty open to the input of the others, considering their massive contributions from the first albums they're on.
I suspect that if someone felt like *writing* a bio, sent it to Tom or Mike to approve (or even ask them your questions!), and then sent it to Deron, he'd probably find a few minutes to put it up on the site. ;)
I've been telling Aki for months that we need a FAQ for the board... I suppose I could kill two birds with one stone.
Well, I wouldn't mind volunteering for the writing task. I do think it shouldn't be an FAQ, as much as an intro and bio to EG as many other bands have. I'd love to have input from all members, including Carina (I consider her a member). Maybe I could get a hold of Andy LaRoque, but I don't know how busy he is, as well as how big a piece of his career EG is.

I've seen some that are too wordy, like Opeth's, while some are too short. I'd like to section it. I already have an idea of questions to be answered. If this comes to pass, it may take me a bit more time when my next semester opens, but I don't mind getting it in there.