Everlost part II

Reaper of Souls

What the hell?
Feb 20, 2005
My sister was listening to Everlost part II on Lunar Strain and she says that the vocals on that track are from a young chior boy or w/e, and i told her it was a chick. Does anyone know for sure??
i always thought it was a chick!??

yeah it says Jennica Johansson does 'female vocals'
doesn't specifically say everlost pt II but im sure we can safely assume..
Anders said that? Back when they were recording Lunar Strain Anders wasnt even in the band yet, he was still in Dark Tranquility at that time right? hmmmm idk.
doesn't mean he won't comment on past albums by his current band

probably why he didn't remember the name..

(just like they cant remember how to play songs off that album... :) )
WestHammer said:
doesn't mean he won't comment on past albums by his current band

probably why he didn't remember the name..

(just like they cant remember how to play songs off that album... :) )

Yeah I never said he said this back then. I said a few years back. Someone posted this here actually.