

For those that play everquest:

Ever tried playing Opeth while in Greater Faydark? It goes well with all the spooky fog and scary forest noises. The moor is especially good for this.

For those who haven't played everquest:

Everquest is a crap, badly designed, buggy and graphically disgusting peice of crap. I was up til 5:30 am last night playing it again. My girlfriend does this also. Please someone tell me that maybe one person on these forums has played this game. I'm dangerously addicted.
I've almost bought it a few times now.....looks realy great, but I am too afraid I won't be able to stop playing, and that'll interfere with my school work.......One of these days I'll get it!
well, buy it. but be careful. play it over the christmas holidays.
and with luclin coming out, you could probably buy a big pack witrh alkl the expansions.

yet, I have barely covered one continent. and there are 5 continents. plus the moon when luclin comes out.

the pros and cons

pros: It's fun and addictive, fun to explore.

cons: graphics suck, buggy, annoying ai, too addictive.
Yeah, I play. 42 monk, 37 rogue, 27 sk, 21 bard. If I was to try to convince someone else that the game is worth playing, I couldn't think of one positive thing to say about it, but I still play it plenty. Bah.