Evertune question

Nov 11, 2013
Sorry about the dark video from my phone. This is the first string change on my brand new ESP LTD Evertune guitar.

I watched the you tube video on how to change the strings and was able to get it all tuned up without an issue. Played for some time to make sure the strings were seated well.

Some chords still sound a little wanky to my ear, slightly out of tune.

I also notice the low E, I can never get to sit right at 440, always walks around a bit (See video)

Don't mind the G string, I tuned that fine after the video was shot.

Anyone else notice these issues?

i'm not sure but i think the low E needs to have more "space to work".
this should be resolved by lowering the tension ab bit by tuning "down" on the tuner peg a bit,
at least that's how i think that it should work.
i have no real experience with ET so far so i apologise if i am wrong.