Evertune Before/After clips (multi-track download)

The biggest revelation for me is when you mount thinner strings. You get no flabbiness whatsoever even when digging in like a pig, you gain tons of definition and it makes the guitar very easy to play.
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I'm not saying the Evertune is not something cool, but the super polished sound's trend of modern metal that we hear more and more tends to annoys me a bit (EmmureDjentSturgis-style inside). And this contributes to it, I think.
I like all those out-of-tune notes that make the music come to life, like in the Baroness red album, to quote only one :

It seems more organic to me, like Kurt Balou's stuff.

Thanks for the share tho. Interesting stuff as usual, and nice to get those RoS DI's.

You should love the evertune then because it allows for natural performances without tuning issues.
I own an ESP LTD MH-1007 ET with Evertune. I bought it because having a tuned guitar is a time saver when recording. BUT when I jammed the thing and A / B it with all other guitars I own... It just lacks the "chugg" factor which is also noticeable in the clips. If you can't tell the difference in that low end bottom presence with the TOM bridge, you need to either turn up the volume or add more lows to your listening system.

If you listen from the 0:20 and A / B Song 1, you can clearly notice the extra bottom on the TOM clip that might be going off pitch just about right amount to glue with the non - Evertune bass? Anyway at least that's how it sounds to me and I'm not saying it sounded bad, the chords parts sure are nicer but for that "chugg" bottom heaviness it's just inferior to the TOM tone wise.

And I do not blame the wood or the huge hole to fit Evertune. I blame the system itself, that manages to keep in tune flawlessly but the system constantly compensates for the tension "we" give it with the force of our picking hand, thus affecting the tone and the string vibration to a point, it reduces the ... well bottom end when palm muting. That is my personal experience with my guitar and kind of confirmed by these clips.

Thanks for this Jeff and Cheers to all!