Every Hour Kills new single - Produced by Joey Sturgis

Yeah I agree, he mentioned that's the direction he'd like to focus on more in the future.

No shit, bro!

This is getting me pumped to the limits these days...

I mean, I'm seeing myself trying to improve vocals and production shit over the last few months just blown away with the quality of this.

I'm not surpised though, after I listen to the latest Andy James stuff a lot lately and it's some of the best shit I've ever heard in a very crowded genre. That combined with Joey's ability to turn anything into gold (he's the metalcore janitor after all, polishing the biggest turds into shiny contracts) gets it to the next level.

I wanna hear more! :D
Sounds awesome, both song and production!

Digging the new vocalist way more than the first one, style wise. Also awesome voice.
Looking forward to more stuff now with the new guy on vox!

No shit, bro!

This is getting me pumped to the limits these days...

I mean, I'm seeing myself trying to improve vocals and production shit over the last few months just blown away with the quality of this.

I'm not surpised though, after I listen to the latest Andy James stuff a lot lately and it's some of the best shit I've ever heard in a very crowded genre. That combined with Joey's ability to turn anything into gold (he's the metalcore janitor after all, polishing the biggest turds into shiny contracts) gets it to the next level.

I wanna hear more! :D

Cheers bros! Much appreciated.