Every metalheads WORST nightmare!!

Long hair is too metal i think.....Is there even a death metal band that the whole band DOESNT have long hair?
Ouch that`s gotta hurt. :yow: :(

Goober said:
Long hair is too metal i think.....Is there even a death metal band that the whole band DOESNT have long hair?

Yeah there actually is. In Urgehal(Norwegian) there`s 2 of the members that doesn`t have long hair.. It`s the guitarist and the drummer.
^ Actually, right now it's quite trendy to play death metal and be bald... At least here in Poland...

But in this case, tradition rulez!!! :D
Dhalaren said:
Don't worry man, no one said you have to have long hair to be metal! \m/. But I chose to have long hair, I also find long hair looks better on me than short hair.

Hehe, yeh i know that, metal is in teh heart, not what's on your head :rock:
As for long hair, i've never had it so have no idea of what it would look like on me, so yeh, short hair all the way! lol

/bes like Trym circa IX Equilibrium
I'm honestly having trouble believing this.

It was a common torture method in the Spanish Inquisition to tie a person's hair in a bun, put a stick through, then twist until the scalp came off. People have been hung from their hair - and only their hair - with no bad effects.

It would be a nightmare if it did happen (I do have long hair), but nnless it was cut, or he has VERY weak hair follicles, then I have no idea how that could have happened.
mylovedenied said:
I'm honestly having trouble believing this.

It was a common torture method in the Spanish Inquisition to tie a person's hair in a bun, put a stick through, then twist until the scalp came off. People have been hung from their hair - and only their hair - with no bad effects.

It would be a nightmare if it did happen (I do have long hair), but nnless it was cut, or he has VERY weak hair follicles, then I have no idea how that could have happened.

Yep, thats right.. i just made it up :rolleyes:

I said in a previous post.. he is BALDING... = weak follicles..
And it got caught up in a conveyabelt thats spins really quick. It happened in 2 seconds.

Fuck I hate people like you, and im beginning to hate this forum and question why I came back.
Ben_Bids_You_Farewell said:
Hehe, yeh i know that, metal is in teh heart, not what's on your head :rock:
As for long hair, i've never had it so have no idea of what it would look like on me, so yeh, short hair all the way! lol

/bes like Trym circa IX Equilibrium

He had short hair for their last albumn but Ihsahn was bald on IX(go for that look^_^). He still had his awesome viking braid on ELC.. Trym fucking rules!