EVERYONE please read (admin) (updated rules, please read)


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Heya guys(gals?),

I have a request.

This is an awesome forum and resource. As with anything, the more popular it becomes the tougher it is to keep the trash out.

That said, please don't "fight" back with obvious trolls/troublemakers. It creates more work when we have to go back and clean things up if everyone is replying to these jokers (I can wipe them with a click of a button if no replies exist).

Report their posts. You see the little icon below everyone's avatars, the one with the exclamation mark? If you use that to report trolls, we get the notice right away and can stop trouble before it gets too out of hand.

UPDATED: Please read this thread for the new forum rules. http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/andy-sneap/547581-some-basic-rules-please-read.html

ohh okay! perfecto!

that clears up a lot of hassle & nasty-ness

"Goddamn Guitar" im reporting you for what you done to me last week involving the hacking of my paypal account, the destruction of my 14 macbook pro's and the raping & pillaging of my family

oh that was you? DAM YOU BRETT!!!

making the poor dude take the blame for that! do you realize how long it took to rebuild our clay huts... ya big meanie! how would you like it if i went to austin and raped and pillaged the entire city? sure... i'd be in bits and i'd be red raw for a year but it would be good payback
well that's no fun
im personally getting pretty tired of messages getting deleted left right and center, but i guess im one of the few who would be, i enjoy bitching people out for the fuck of it. whatevs.
The thing you need to understand Gareth, is as much as you love acting a certain way with the "I could give a fuck" attitude, 95+% of the forum doesn't enjoy seeing it in general, and much less to other folks who contribute here and make a difference in one way or another.

You're going to have to chill and find a new way of expressing yourself without insulting or running down others, cause I'll be honest and say it won't fly here and you'll find yourself gone before long if it gets too out of hand.
I have to ask - what's the logic in all the rampant deletion of posts without warning? Not too crazy about the blatant censorship, and to trot out an age-old quote, "those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it."