
Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Hey there everyone,

Please read all of this as it is very important.

I just wanted to send a friendly reminder that pornographic threads (straight up, T&A, Boobs or whatever) are not allowed on this site.

As you may already know, this site takes a lot of time and money to keep running from year to year (probably more time than most would tolerate). I rely on the advertising you see across the site to help cover server costs etc. If you factored in the time I spend working on the site, fighting spam etc. - it's really a labor of love more than anything.

With that said, I had my ads turned off by Google this morning because of a T&A thread they came across during routine spot checking. I cannot afford to run the site without the advertising, plain and simple.

So please, if you know of a thread of this type, please send me a message and let me know. And if you participate in contributing to such threads, please don't take it personal and understand that I need to do what it takes to maintain my advertising on the site, so that it exists for everyone to use and enjoy.

Again, I hope you understand and work with me here so we have the site for many more years to come.


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That's a little sad. On the other hand I think I might actually work instead of going through the T&A thread from now on.:lol:

Are women in underwear / bikinis allowed or are those "pornopraphic" too? (serious question)
As long as it is tasteful. Here is the specific rules they pointed to:

As stated in our program policies, AdSense publishers are not permitted to
place Google ads on pages with adult or mature content. In addition to
photos and videos which contain nudity or sexual activities, below are
some other examples of unacceptable content:

* Lewd or provocative images
* Crude or indecent language, including adult stories
* Sexual tips or advice
* Sexual fetish sites (e.g. foot fetish content)
* Adult toys or products
Isn't this worrying on a censorship level?

Not sure what you mean. If you are referring to Google's rules, no not really, from a business standpoint it's understandable. They simply don't want their ads showing/running (for their advertisers) on pages that contain porn/nude pics etc.

I mean, if I were advertising my stuff somewhere, I'd hope whoever was facilitating my ads were doing the same thing. It's just smart business.

I make enough from the ads to cover my server costs each month, so it's a fair trade to not allow porn threads on a metal site if it continues to help the site :kickass:
Yeah that's what I though too: "lewd". Come one, that term is 200 years old.. and it covers everything. Heck, even a fully clothed woman can be "lewd" if she licks her lips on a picture (and I'm talking about the lips in her face).
Obviously, expelling porn is understandable and no big problem but if they're really ana... errm bitchy about it they could declare everything as lewd and turn off their ads again. Let's hope they aren't that bad.
Not sure what you mean. If you are referring to Google's rules, no not really, from a business standpoint it's understandable. They simply don't want their ads showing/running (for their advertisers) on pages that contain porn/nude pics etc.

I mean, if I were advertising my stuff somewhere, I'd hope whoever was facilitating my ads were doing the same thing. It's just smart business.

I make enough from the ads to cover my server costs each month, so it's a fair trade to not allow porn threads on a metal site if it continues to help the site :kickass:
