Everyone should own this Album


Born to Murder the World
May 23, 2002
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Pig Destroyer - Prowler in the yard
I just buyed this cd, and im amazed.
at least give them a try and downlad a song, this album is totally killer
I never really got into it all that much. I liked the atmosphere the album conveys, but I've not come to appreciate the music yet. Then again, it's been a very long time since i've listened to it, and my tastes have expanded to appreciate musical brutality more.
LoL, I actually gave it another listen, and yes, my tastes have very much expanded, I actually enjoyed it and noticed quite a few of the tracks that had just blurred past me a couple months ago. I still find it difficult completely appreciating the sub 1-minute songs, but overall it's a blast with some awesome riffs and some great headbanging moments.
Decent album? Pshhh...what the fuck ever man. That album OWNS!!...end of fucking story. Pig Destroyer WAILS.