Evile cover Nirvana song

I really like it! good job guys.

Well yeah, it's on Youtube... I actually really like this haha. I shouldn't, I feel unclean for liking this... but I do. Pretty much what I expected.

Why would you feel unclean for liking it? it's music, just because you like thrash doesn't mean you can't like other stuff. Who cares what other people think
Clicked it just to see what it would sound like and hated it because I hate Nirvana. Gotta admit though, Matt's voice is getting better and better. He sounds exactly like Cobain. (Not a good thing in my opinion, but it shows he has range.)
Why would you feel unclean for liking it? it's music, just because you like thrash doesn't mean you can't like other stuff. Who cares what other people think

I never said that. My point being that the cover is a real oddity that's kind of 'good but bad' in a very strange way'. Jesus christ, I don't just listen to thrash - keep your assumptions to yourself.