Does anyone know if its possible to get a refund from this? I know I've left it a bit late lol.

I left it a bit late, the Leeds one is tomorrow.

I'm still sore from Damnation and I'm not going all the way to Leeds on my own just for The Berzerker to play for 30 minutes.

As fanboyish as it sounds, Evile were 90% of the reason to go. Oh well, at least I get to finish work 5 hours early, more time to play Left 4 Dead! :kickass:
I ended up going. The venue was awesome, small little sweaty club, would have been great to see Evile there.
Zonaria weren't that great, and I generally didn't enjoy it for most of the set. Their singer seemed like he was trying to be a mix between Alexi Laiho and Robb Flynn except he couldn't solo or sing that great. Plus they were wearing armor haha, I guess they thought it would make them look metulz.
Bezerker...my God they were bad (imo). It was probably the worst band I've ever seen live and I've seen a fair few bad ones. I hate grindcore even more than I did before now.
Satyricon isn't my cup of tea music wise, I've always disliked black metal but to be honest they really weren't all that bad. They got the crowd going and knew how to put on a good show.
The Berzerker are actually really great lads. Their studio stuff isn't to everyones taste, but I've seen them live twice this year and met up with them at Damnation and their live shows are pretty solid. They're not grind either haha.
The Berzerker are awesome. I skipped them at Damnation for Onslaught and Sigh. I skipped them for Iced Earth at Bloodstock. I skipped them last night because Evile weren't there.

I don't think I'll ever see them live at this rate. -_-
The Berzerker are actually really great lads. Their studio stuff isn't to everyones taste, but I've seen them live twice this year and met up with them at Damnation and their live shows are pretty solid. They're not grind either haha.

The lead singers Bezerker shirt had "masters of grind" on the back :erk:
luke kenny is ben.


I was well gutted you Evile dudes couldnt play.. but tbh.... the sound that night (I went to the Birmingham Barfly date because Im a Brummie innit) was BAD for Zonaria and The Berzerker. Couldn't hear the guitars and if I can't hear those axes grinding how is a man meant to thrash the fuck out?!

But yeah.. looking forward to the Barfly date in April. I'LL BE THERE (being the Evile stalker I am hahahaa)