
Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
British metallers EVILE know a thing or two about thrashing, and they know that the music has to be loud. The band were therefore slightly worried to hear something which could affect fans of live music all across the UK.
EVILE lead guitarist OL DRAKE explains: "I was browsing the Downing Street website to see what exactly our Prime Minister is doing, and I came across the 'Petitions' section. One that stood out to me was a petition for 'No Noise Control'. Now, I remember playing a show in a venue where they were strict on the level of noise, as they had one of these Noise Control devices. It was so quiet, it felt like a crime headbanging whilst playing the music. I'd hate to go and see my favourite band live and have the music being at that level.
"I urge all UK live music fans to sign this petition to make it be known that we love live music, and for it to be that ridiculously quiet would be a travesty. The kind of music we play is aggressive. You can't have aggressive music at low volumes. It defeats the purpose. I want to have my head blasted off by a riff, not my genitals slightly tickled. Please take a look, sign and pass on!"
To view and sign the petition, head to (Click here to open link)
EVILE are currently working on material for a new album, tentatively due to be released later this year on Earache Records.

I don't mind since I listen to my music at sensible volumes, but in a concert is ludicrous. For years I have used custom designed earplugs, that way you enjoy the show and don't endager your ears. But besides that the band should play as loud as they want, like Motorhead says Everything Louder Than Everything Else
And is up to each person to deal with the problem:

a) no one forces you to go to a live act
b) you can use earplugs (as I do) and thus protect yourself
c) you can choose (normally) how near you want to be from the music output

In a nutshell, a concert should be as loud as the band wants, and the audience must decide by itself how to deal with it (of course I'm thinking that optimal venues should be far from dense populated zones, no one wants to sleep while the neighborhood is shaking).
"Noise Control" at a live concert???? Fuckin RIDICULOUS!

Is there ANYTHING the UK nanny government doesn't want to totally control??? What a fucked up place that must be to live in! :rolleyes:

Unreal... :puke:

I don't mind since I listen to my music at sensible volumes, but in a concert is ludicrous. For years I have used custom designed earplugs, that way you enjoy the show and don't endager your ears. But besides that the band should play as loud as they want, like Motorhead says Everything Louder Than Everything Else

What are these custom designed earplugs?
What are these custom designed earplugs?

I made them years ago because my room window (with my desk) look at the street and at the time there was many kids in the hood and the noise was irritating.

So I went to a hearing clinic (where my mom have their hearing aids made) and the guy offered me to make earplugs the shape of my ear. They put some wax inside the inner channel and then a polymer thing that floods it and part of your lobe taking the shape of your ear, when it hardens make the earplug. So they are very thick but only useful for you.


Sorry they aren't very clean :ill: