Mtvx Petition! Please Sign!!!


New Metal Member
May 5, 2002
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dear all Anthrax fans,
please sign this online petition to bring the MTVX channel back! remember that this was one of the best channels for you to watch your favorite Anthrax videos - and other rock videos - 24/7, and now that channel is gone. please sign and spread the word to show your support! if you did not have access to MTVX, please sign in honor of your love for rock music. thanks.
Sadly, it's a lost cause. MTV will do what they want regardless of what people say, as long as they're getting money from stupid teeny boppers.
dont be so pesimistic slaughter. if we all just sat back and let people do what they want w/o any objections, then we wouldnt be getting anywhere now would we? have faith man.
I watched MTVX for a few hours at my friend's house once. It was one of the greatest moments in my life. It was like good old Headbanger's Ball 24/7.

So I signed the petition (even though I couldn't get MTVX at my house).
:mad: I HATE MTV!!!!! FUCK MTV!!! FUCK RAP!!!! FUCK NSYNC!!!! FUCK BRITNEY...(OK)!!!! FUCK LEWDUHHKRISS!!!!!MTV IS SATAN!!! KILL IT!!!!! please bring mtvx and or headbangers ball back
I'm not sure if it's the same in other places, but where I live, after MTVX was pulled they put in "MTV JAMS". MTV JAMS plays nothing but all the crap that gets played on normal MTV. So, MTV thought it necessary to have 2 channels with nothing but cookie cutter commercialized bullshit. I signed the above petition, but wouldn't it be more fun to go to MTV HQ and just burn the bastards down?


I'll bring the gasoline if one of you fine upstanding metalheads will bring some matches and/or marshmallows.
MTVX was nothing special anyways. They mostly played Glam, grunge, and nu-metal shit. I had MTV-X since 1999, so I pretty much had it long enough to tape all the decent videos, so i can't really say I miss it much. They pretty much just showed the same 8 hour block of videos 3 times a day, so if you were watching MTV-X at noon, and then turn it on at 8 PM, you'd be seeing the same video. And in that 8 hour block, there might be 3 good videos, and the rest is just crap. Sure every now and then, they might pull out a Nepalm Death or Sepultura video, but that was rare, to say the least.
I signed the petition, just for the cause. I doubt it changes anything but I agree w/ rooster - we can´t be just passive. 6343 is my number.