Evolution Fest Pics


Dark Tranquillity Italia
Jan 3, 2005
Mestre (Venice)
hi all!

here are some of the pics i took this morning at evolution fest in toscolano-maderno (brescia)... great performance, as usual, but this time they really amazed me for their energy! they're AMAZING! DT rulez!! :worship:








the full photogallery (which will be soon enriched) is here:

byeZ :headbang:
MorbidEnemy said:
what was the setlist?

in no particular order:

the new build
through smudged lenses
lost to apathy
my negation
white noise / black silence
monochromatic stains
final resistance
the sun fired blanks
the wonders at your feet
punish my heaven
scythe, rage and roses
the endless feed

i might be forgetting a couple. they played for almost 90 minutes. the show was indeed amazingly energetic and intense.
yep.. that was the set list... i don't quite remember the order unless that The Treason Wall was played at the beginning, followed by Lost To Apathy and the performance was ended by The Final Resistance :)

anyway great live-show... they amazed me once again :)
yep! the set-list was awesome! :)

and they were extremely confident with the Italian audience.. for example when the security started throwing water over the audience (it was so hot!!), mikael took the water-pipe and started doing this himself making the crowd explode! he also climbed up a bit the stage-structure :)
Thanks for sharing those pictures!
Must have been a great show.
Ok. I got a chance to look at the rest of your pics, and regarding these:



Dude! It the first picture it looks like you took the photo on the same level as Mikael. How did you do that? Did you climb as well? :D

Again, thanks for sharing your pics! \m/
Hello all,

It was the best show of my life

(NT3N : did you had a t-shirt of your website? if so i saw you after the show near your car :) )

As for the setlist...if you wanna cry : Of Chaos and One Tough were on it but they didnt play them (i think because of lack of time)...Well that's 4 show without Of Chaos for me but i will keep trying :) (i picked up a destroyed complete setlist before Orphaned Land Show, i will post it this afternoon).

I would like to thanks Dark Tranquillity for doing such great shows : you guys rocks...(i could have never imagine that a band would APOLOGISE for having to leave the fest to go to another one whereas they did a marvelous show).

I m not waiting the tour with DT headlining (and please no stuff like "co headlining" again : you rocks, many people love your music, give it a try !)
Killermik said:
(NT3N : did you had a t-shirt of your website? if so i saw you after the show near your car :) )

i've seen the guy too (and i don't know if he was nt3n, either).
i have to admit one of the few commendable things about metal festivals in italy is that you don't get to see as many ridiculously dressed people as you would elsewhere in europe. no fat goths in torn fishnet stockings, no pre-teens with angel wings strapped on their back, and - thankfully - no gatorade-drinking vampires. the occasional rhapsody t-shirt is still hilarious, but in a geeky, "let's chase the pwetty unicorn" kind of way.
@wildfyr: actually he didn't climb up so much... probably about 1.5 m above the stage... i kept my camera up so to get about the same level as mikael :)

@Killermik, rahvin: yep, the one with the darkillity t-shirt was me :) coz i've printed just 1 t-shirt for myself, and in the future i'm planning to print more of them as many people asked me if they could have one as well :)

anyway, i've added more pics.. and will add some more in the next few days :D
as usual, u'll find the rest of them on the same page: http://www.darkillity.net/ph_evofest05.php



Here is the setlist :

The Treason Wall
Lost To Apathy
Through Smudged Lenses
White Noise / Black Silence
The New Build
The Wonders At Your Feet
The Sun Fired Blanks
Monochromatic Stains
The Endless Feed
Punish My Heaven
Scythe, Rage And Roses
My Negation
Final Resistance