yea. it's what I call the pouty child conclusion: "nobody cares about me, I'm not important to anyone, nothing I do matters, I'm not a special and beautiful and unique human being in the opinion of the entire universe, so nothing in my life is worth living for and I may as well kill myself!!@#$%"
To me an orgasm is enough to refute the idea that death is as good as life if there is no great eternal meaning. Hell, the hot cross buns I ate 10 minutes ago were pretty damn good, so why should I go to the bother of killing myself...cos my eating those hot cross buns wasn't in God's plan? because I didn't become famous or save humanity? because they wont write about it in the history books? oh my god no!!! they taste so much worse now!!! fuck sex, where's the razorblade there's nothing worth living for!!
I have long maintained that all this "God's plan" nonsense, was nothing more than still another decidely obtuse, if self-destructive scheme to explain away one's fear of personal ineptitude, failure or simply lingering helplessly in inconsequential mediocrity(another manifestation of "Slave Morality" perhaps).
It also reminds me in some ways of the childlike and cringe-inducing, "They've gone to a better place" platitude, dutifully issued upon death of a friend, loved-one, etc. Grief=pain...fantasy paradise=comfort. Thus fantasy is better.