Ex Nihilo

Steve420 said:
I like Shakespeare, but it ruins everything what I have to do in school... Of course, I hate Charles Dickens...

Everyone hates dickens, absolutely everyone I have ever known that has studied his work.


I think the songs probably about death, as it's by a metal band.
I admire Shakespeare's work as a writer myself, but it did get predictable after a while. Still, it was responsable for creating modern english, so it is important. And I hated Dickens with a passion too. Great Expectations was such a chore to read through. I didn't even bother to read the rest of his works.

The "hedon" video pretty much defined that song for me, how with all the wrongs in the world and all the corruption and evil for the benfit of a very small minority shows their Hedonism, not accepting Grace and self destructing, pretty much living on the verge of suicide due to overdosing.
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On the subject of Shakespere and Dickens...

I hated Hard Times. Its the only Dickens book I've read, and I intend to make it my last. Horribly clunking.

Shakespere's use of language imo is beautifully poetic. Don't look at his plots, for he invariably stole them from elsewhere. Its for his language he should be read, and theres more than one echo of his in DT lyrics...

I've never thought of the Sun fired Blanks that way really - I always took it to mean just the failure of heat, didn't look at it properly...

Enter Suicidal Angels has to a point always suggest the obliteration of something within, the deliberate dampening and suppressing of what might be termed positive emotion, particularly in conjection with the next lines - it always struck me as a self-debasing denial of self to a point.