Ex-Terrorhorse members starting a new band

Apr 3, 2011
We're starting another band,

Guitars: Richard LeBlanc, Original guitarist from terrorhorse.

Vocals: Darryl Bedard, Original vocalist. 2007-2009

We are looking for a Drummer, Bassist, and a second guitarist (8 string)

We want get an album out, do some touring and see what we can make of it.

We are looking for a blend of death metal, grindcore, hardcore, progressive type stuff.

Send Private message if your interested or have any questions.

**messaging any terrorhorse (accounts) related won't reach us, we dont have control on any accounts anymore.**
Man. I wish I was up for this kind of thing, but you guys are a level beyond. Terrorhorse was a BEAST of a band, good luck in the search!!
LOL maybe if it takes them a while to find a new guy I'll be able to beef up my chops enough to try out. I should just practice drumming along to Packet Flier and such until my wrists and ankles fall apart.