Exam nerves

Apr 24, 2008
hi folks,
damn i'm writing my first exam at University tomorrow for this semester, and damn i'm scared to death. Fuck. It's electronic circuits if anyone cares. But to you guy at universities all over the world. Do you experience Exam Nerves.
And if you do how do you deal with it. I wrote exams and class tests now for the last 15 years but i get nervous as fuck befor every exam. Even Driving license and shit.
hope to read all your experiences
cheers Jan
Try not giving a shit, it always worked for me! :lol: But how is your semester starting at the end of July? :confused:
No it's the end of semester...our uni decided that they should spread all exams during the free period. Damn Fuckers. means hardly any vacations at all.:mad:
Yeah i should try to not give a fuck. i can't do more than learning.
HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA holy fuck at your sig dude, reminds me of those movies where the guy is watching the news in his underwear and the newscaster suddenly says something like "GAHH, put some pants on!" :lol::lol:
Ah, I remember my days studying mosfets and Nand gates etc. Personally I wasn't a fan of microelectronics but like you I was nervous as hell before my exams, couldn't even eat breakfast. Thank god its behind me now, just. I guess the best advice is not to panic and things normally go alright. Best of luck in the exam man