University - When failing is not in your parents' dictionary

The Front Studio

What are you looking at!?
Dec 30, 2009
So I'm in my first year of Informatics at University.
It's pretty chill, 3 exams after every 14 weeks.
The courses I had for the first batch were pretty chill too, but the level is pretty high. You can compare it with engineering classes to be honest.
I only passed one of the three exams, one re-exam was my own fault (kinda).

The other one (Programming), well let's just say the assistants are dumbfucks. I studied as hard as I could for all three, and I'm pretty sure I passed my programming exam but there was also a little pre-exam (which counted for 10% of the grand total and I had 0 on that one) and there's also the tasks we needed to make during the exams... and that pretty much screwed me over.

Now, if I don't have any more fails/re-examinations I could get deliberated IF I get a year-total of 58%... which is going to be pretty hard, but not impossible.

The only thing is: I gotta tell the folks the bad news. And they're not too fond of me failing...
I'm not too stoked about that...