Good in ear headphones?

Hey guys,

So I'm looking for a reward for myself if I get an 100 on one of my exams and an A on another test. I thought a nice pair of in ear headphones would do the job!

I currently have the Sennheiser px100 headphones, and they're great, but I'm looking for something that's in ear. I know in ear tends to not be as great, either lacks bass, or has too much, but I wasn't sure if any of you knew of any that were pretty balanced and could even work for some rough mixing. The Senneheisers I have are a good example.

My price range is sub $100. The lower, the better. I'm a poor college student you know! I'll also check for the lowest price for the best pair on eBay and whatever place sells em.

Thanks dudes!
whats the point of in ear headphones? they confuse me. Why would you want to bypass the pinna of your ear... something so important to the hearing process.

It's more because it's not so bulky, I can lay down on my side while reading and it won't hurt my ear flaps, and working out.

But otherwise, yes, you're right. That's why I'm going to have both pairs of regular and in ear.
I cannot recommend the Shure in-ear headphones enough. Their sound quality for the price is scary. I think you can find the lowest range for around 70 bucks or so.
whats the point of in ear headphones? they confuse me. Why would you want to bypass the pinna of your ear... something so important to the hearing process.
its a much more effective alternative to noise-cancelling headphones. The pinnae are mostly used in localization, so the in-ears do have a slightly "in your head" sound but its a cool and different sort of listening experience as opposed to normal earphones.
I use Etymotic Research ER6i's

Pretty good sound quality (I had another pair which were better imo, diff frequency response.. much more critical). I think they were like $150AU.

I can play my drums LOUD with my iPod on about 2/3 volume if you need a reference for noise cancellation.
Sennheiser CX95's all the way man, the CX300's are pretty hyped in the highs and lows whereas the CX95's are designed t be pretty flat. Obviously they're not reference monitors but I have mixed on them before and was happy with the results.

Also they've got very good isolation to the point where I can track drums with a very low headphone level.

Can't recommend them enough.
whats the point of in ear headphones? they confuse me. Why would you want to bypass the pinna of your ear... something so important to the hearing process.

But the shape (and therefore effect) of the pinna varies from one person to another due to genetic and epigenetic (developmental) variations.

Maybe good in-ear phones have a respose curve that reflects the response of unusally well-formed pinnas (or should that be pinnae?)...?
My drummer got a great deal on the Shure SCL3W because apparently the white ones are discontinued or something. Believe he got them for 90 bucks. He seemed pleased with them although he only has used them for live click tracks. They come with a nice case and different ear pieces though.
I've never heard a pair of in-ear headphones that was capable of anything resembling proper bass response. I've had 3 pairs of Shures, most recently the E3 series. I used them only for live click tracks; they sounded laughably bad when I used them with my iPod, though.

If audio quality is what you're after, I don't think anything in this category will make you happy. But, if you want convenience, particularly for a workout session with an iPod, there's no other way.

For portable headphones, I like my pair of Sennheiser PX100s, although lately, the wire insulation near the cans has stripped and there is bare wire exposed now. It's only a matter of time before the wires snap, and since it's hard-wired, replacing the wires would be more of an expense/hassle than replacing the headphones. Mind you I'm very careful with these headphones and I've only owned them about 4 years, always keep them in the (nice) included carrying case when not in use, etc.

I'll be considering my other options soon for portable headphones, I've heard that the PX200s are actually less durable than the PX100s. I wish AKG made portable headphones, I'm a huge fan of their larger cans (I own both a vintage K141 set and a new K702 set from AKG, both of which are made in Austria and sound incredible.)
im going to be slated for this but skull-candy in-ears are excellent - except mine broke.. (cable went weird on me) but the sound i thought was fucking amazing
For cheap, and just being used for listening to an ipod while working out and reading, the Skullcandy "Smokin Buds" are really pretty good for what they are worth. I suggest having some superglue handy the ends that hold the rubbery parts that hold them in your ear tend to break off easily.
yeah, these are more for enjoyment. I had the sennheiser px100's before and those were great, but weren't very practical for working out and stuff...that and the cable is starting to cut out after 5 years or so. Pretty good run if I say so!

I was thinking of those Sleek Audio SA1s because they can adjust the EQ with the ear pieces and stuff. On top of that I can replace the cable if it cuts out.
I cannot recommend the Shure in-ear headphones enough. Their sound quality for the price is scary. I think you can find the lowest range for around 70 bucks or so.

I use them for Live Sound, and they rock teh kasbah!
They're pretty great - but personally, I'd prefer dual drivers if I was to replace them.. but they cost hellamore.