Who's really good at programming drums ? (JOB OFFER)


clip the apex
Dec 29, 2005
This will be a paying job offer. Here's the info:

I have the multitrack files to my first band's demo (about a decade old) - and as a bit of a summer project, and tribute to the singer who has since passed away, one of the guitarists and myself are going to be re-recording the songs.

The original drum recordings were NOT played to a click, and there are some slight fuckups in the performance, but most of it is pretty solid. The main issue is the drums were not recorded well (cheap drums/cymbals, poor recording technique) so the original multitracks I have aren't useable.

I'm looking for someone who can sequence these drum tracks for S2.0 in a realistic way. Also mapping it all to a solid bpm close to the original tempo, and fix any major fuckups. The project is not metal, so I need someone who would be able to translate the velocities and rolls pretty accurately.

- 6 Songs total (about 25 minutes of music)

I just need the MIDI sequences for S2.0 so I have the option of tweaking the sounds, or triggering off different samples later in the mixing stage. I'll pay you (can negotiate $$$ in PM/email) and I will credit you for the drum sequences in any release notes for the project.

PM if interested or for more info. :kickass:
Will you need someone with S2.0? im thinking yes but just double checking.
Yeah - I need someone with S2.0 since I just want to be able to throw the same MIDI files into my project and load it right up. I'm not looking for rendered out waves or anything, just the MIDI sequences since I need the option of tweaking the S2.0 sounds or thowing in some SSD blends in the mixing stage.

Thanks for the PMs so far - I've sent replies to both.