Excellent job, guys!

Aug 31, 2004
Well......I really liked the 'Temporary Psychotic State' EP, so I pre-ordered 'Suspended Animation Dreams,' and it actually got here Saturday, the eighteenth.

Already listened to it a bunch, and I just want to say great job on helping to keep progressive music alive. I'll have to listen a lot more to get some more specifics.....but I think "It's really awesome!" will suffice for now.

And by the way, I also love the message board color scheme.
I agree, and must admit I'm pretty surprised about how good Suspended Animation Dreams is. I enjoyed Temporary Psychotic State, but mainly bought it since The End had an offer to get a shirt with it. You really took your sound a lot further on SAD, I love how unique it is. My last two days have essentially consisted of listening to this album several times over while channel surfing, which is a mighty fine existance. I've been spreading the word about this CD, so hopefully it'll bring in a few more sales. It definitely makes me glad I have a Subterranean Masquerade shirt.
LunarHex said:
I enjoyed Temporary Psychotic State, but mainly bought it since The End had an offer to get a shirt with it.

.....Well......I guess they weren't having that deal when I bought it.

I was gone for 8 days and it arrived while I was gone, but I got home at midnight today and have been listenint to it non stop since, its GREAT. I was ready to be let down because of how much I loved the EP, but this goes beyond T.P.S. by far.
I also bought the pack EP+T-shirt from The End. The EP was great but the album is just amazing!!!
The End currently only has the girlie shirt in stock.....but I know they've had another one in stock at some point.

Not for the new album though....old stuff.

So, the album got here the 21st, right on schedule. Have listened it for quite a few times and I must say I expected something different from it, not bad, not worse, just different. Hm, I thought it would be more Metal-like. But it's a pleasant surprise this album's not as heavy as I suspected, it's a much more calm and easy-listening experience. I was travelling home from a party, by bus & train and I put on S.A.M. and the sun was shining bright and stuff and I was like "yeeeaaaaaaaaahh". Kind of a hippy-feeling, hehe. Gotta love this album, so much emotions and musical styles, great piece of art guys, I thank you for this. :D
Novembers Paul said:
Tomer, I was just messing around! No hard feelings at all my man. I doubt I could squeeze one of the shirts onto my fat ass anyway. haha

I dont know Paul, I am pushing 280 pounds at 5'11 and my Temporary Pyschotic State shirt fits me fine. I dont know exactly how much you weigh or how tall you are but I am thinking you would fit in one just fine.(Yes I know you are fairly big from pics I have seen of you, but as I pointed out, im not a small guy myself)
>_>.....I want a small shirt. I guess I see how it is for the big people too, but for me I'd much rather a shirt be too tight (which has never, ever happened) than be a tent. ^_^
I expected to be let down by S. A. D. You see, I got keen on S. M. through the track from the Cut's You Up compilation. Peter Murphy never appealed to me but there was a lot of potential in the track. So I spent . . . a couple years I guess . . . after that dropping Tomer lines encouraging/nagging him about making the project a bit more of a reality. So my anticipation for the album was obscenely high. And honestly the only bands who have even met my expectations in the past year are Strapping Young Lad and Novembers Doom.
But in the end... I'm more than happy with the final product. Way to ruin my clean sweep of cynicism, Mr. T! Now I can't be a completely miserable bastard. Argh.
I only got to here what is on your site: It is Awesome!
I am looking forard to gettinh the cd (next shopping spree... whenever that is....) . It is ditributed in Israel Right?
B.T.W Kobi is An excellent touch! Keep up the good work amd BEHAZLACHA!