Excellent! The ND package just arrived...

i got it too 2 days ago! but i am very busy now, i will go to my parnets tomorrow so i will listen to it on their kickass denon sound system, with xanadu high-end speakers, awesome :worship:
It's been a long time since I wandered around these Cyber plains but I thought I'd drop by and say I really like the package as well. I'm getting ready to throw the regular version at people and give ND some serious airplay as well.
Death metal! ;)
damnit... who is lame enough to sell it, and stupid enough to buy it???

once again, the musicians barely make money from it, and this fucktard who buys some extra sets on the omega website makes over a hundred bucks...

it's total disrespect!
damnit... who is lame enough to sell it, and stupid enough to buy it???

once again, the musicians barely make money from it, and this fucktard who buys some extra sets on the omega website makes over a hundred bucks...

it's total disrespect!

Ah I dunno, I can't speak for the other guys but this doesn't bother me really. All that matters is that we sold the sets for the initial price we asked for. What happens after that...if someone wants to sell it, trade it, whatever, is their business. If someone wants to pay $122 bucks for it then that's their business too. I guess it makes me feel good knowing someone likes us enough to spend that money, though I feel bad because they coulda just got it from the label a few weeks ago for 1/4th that amount.

When I owned my collectibles shop, I would sometimes order limited edition toys or comics, and once they sold out, I'd turn around and sell it to a collector for a higher price. That's just business, that's how it works. Noone is forcing anybody to pay an exorbitant amount of money for this, people bid whatever they feel is worth it.

Anyhow, as Paul said, if you know someone who is interested in this stuff, you can get some of the individual items from our site for much cheaper, so pass on the info.
Once you buy something, it's yours to do what you want with it. I just hate to see someone spending the money like that, when for $122 you can get lot more from us.

I have a few sets of the limited edition in my personal collection, but I'm not going to put them on ebay to take advantage of anyone.

At least not today. LOL
well, i am bothered with it because when people actually buy extra sets, only to sell them later, they will make the whole bunch sell out earlier.

if the demand for these items is that big, and there is very few offers (on ebay), market theory will dictate indeed: price will go up, and they will sell them for much more.

so by that rationale, the end might as well throw the price up themselves: as the ltd. editions are selling out, increase the price.

and then see how quickly they'd get flamed everywhere for being greedy bastards.

the people who sell them on ebay this quick after a release take an advantage of the end's disability to raise the price as the demand/offering increases.

if you sell a collectability years after it was released, it's different, because:
-you didn't buy it just with the intent to sell it and make a buck out of it
-the price went up over a course of years, you are not taking disadvantage over the original seller

also remember the Pale Folklore boxsets people bought on ebay, only a few days after the Day Of The Equinox festival. Agalloch could easily have asked more $ for it, plenty of people would have paid the money for it, but they too think it's ridiculous to sell a record for that much. instead they ask a more fair price, and then it's not fans who buy it, but businessmen. where is the fairness in that?

now, i can't really feel sorry for the idiot who bought that set on ebay, he should just have looked on the end website. but take all the people who would have loved getting their hands on one of the PF boxsets on the day of the equinox but couldnt have come there (from europe? yeah right!), and then have to pay 200 dollars for it on ebay? as a band, would you think that's fair trade?

still of course i understand you were so happy to sell all of those so quickly, that you have so many fans, it must be a risk every time you do something like this :)