
Clammy said:
If we make it out that way, I'll see if I can put you on the guestlist! ;)

You know we've been so busy, that kind of got back-burnered. We own the domain name. We just have to get a host, decide what look and layout we want, and then I'll put it together (there's an advantage to having a computer geek in the band, hehehe).

I'm going to shoot for at least a basic site within a month.

:rock: :rock: :rock:

Just a request Clammy, please no Java and no popup menu where you have the news, tour and other shit.

Also please think of Firefox compatibillity. I am using that browser and it ROCKS big time. :wave:
Hawk said:
Just a request Clammy, please no Java and no popup menu where you have the news, tour and other shit.

Also please think of Firefox compatibillity. I am using that browser and it ROCKS big time. :wave:

Yeah, I have to think about the way to implement whatever we decide on. I'll likely have a pure HTML version and a Flash version. We'll see. Like I said we haven't evne started to discuss it yet.

:rock: :rock: :rock:
I got New Testament and I must say that it's really cool to hear Jacques sing all these old songs, they still rock big time.

Maybe the newer songs (from Dark Dommand and Blood of Tyrants) could have been left out of this compilation though, as the (rough & raw) re-recording doesn't add anything special to them.

Still, "Violence and Force" and the other ones kick my ass as alaways, "Blackwitch" with its intro is well done too.
Fangface said:
I got New Testament and I must say that it's really cool to hear Jacques sing all these old songs, they still rock big time.

Maybe the newer songs (from Dark Dommand and Blood of Tyrants) could have been left out of this compilation though, as the (rough & raw) re-recording doesn't add anything special to them.

Still, "Violence and Force" and the other ones kick my ass as alaways, "Blackwitch" with its intro is well done too.

Glad you like it! Jacques' voice puts a new spin on the classic tunes!

I think with the newer songs, it was more of a "make them sound more pleasant to the ear with better mixing/mastering". If you have the original CDs, play the songs side by side. There's quite a difference in sound quality.

:rock: :rock: :rock:
Fangface said:
I got New Testament and I must say that it's really cool to hear Jacques sing all these old songs, they still rock big time.

Maybe the newer songs (from Dark Dommand and Blood of Tyrants) could have been left out of this compilation though, as the (rough & raw) re-recording doesn't add anything special to them.

Still, "Violence and Force" and the other ones kick my ass as alaways, "Blackwitch" with its intro is well done too.
You know if my French Fanged Faced Friend digs it, it's gotta be great!!!!
heh what I like about Exciter is that they're still delivering the goods after 20 years of "Pounding Metal", while they play completely old fashioned Speed Metal in a very raw way, ignored and mocked by many but still supported by dumb die hard metalheads like me :loco: :lol:

Passion and dedication to music is something important about the bands I want to support.
Exciter are all about kicking ass, whatever their sound may be, whatever the label they're signed on, whatever their popularity -> that's Metal to the bone.

They're surely not the most talented band, they're not among the best musicians out there, they don't have a great modern sound, they don't write thoughtful lyrics, BUT... they know how to make you bang your head til it falls like a "Heavy Metal Maniac".
I also like progressive stuff and so on, but Exciter are perfect to have a great time without having to analyse the music you're listening to.
Just press "play", turn it loud and bang your head. What else can you ask for? :D
I didn't post before because I was waiting for the album :blush: (sadly indeed Clammy doesn't play on it).

Is a really (and I mean REALLY) good speed metal album :rock: . Bèlanger vocals are kind of weird remind a bit of King Diamond, one minute straight clean voice and the next a falsetto attack (which drive me nuts with KD :ill: ). But I guess I will grow up to it after a few spins.

So far I'm damned impressed with the drumming, Charron is a savage! I don't know you Clammy but I guess you are consuming your fingers trying to follow the guy :p . And the riffs are awsome, authentic old school metal ;)
Most definitively I expect a very bright future for the band from now on :grin: .
Wyvern said:
I didn't post before because I was waiting for the album :blush: (sadly indeed Clammy doesn't play on it).

Is a really (and I mean REALLY) good speed metal album :rock: . Bèlanger vocals are kind of weird remind a bit of King Diamond, one minute straight clean voice and the next a falsetto attack (which drive me nuts with KD :ill: ). But I guess I will grow up to it after a few spins.

So far I'm damned impressed with the drumming, Charron is a savage! I don't know you Clammy but I guess you are consuming your fingers trying to follow the guy :p . And the riffs are awsome, authentic old school metal ;)
Most definitively I expect a very bright future for the band from now on :grin: .

Thanks, buddy!

I had a crash course in learning those songs. Most of those we played at a gig last year, before I joined the band. I was asked to fill in on bass for that gig because their bass player at the time quit the band 3 weeks before the show. So, I had to learn 16 songs in 10 days, with only 5 practices with the band before the show. We only got to go through the entire setlist twice before playing it live. I managed to pull it off pretty well (if I do say so myself), and that was the main reason they asked me to join the band permanently. To be honest, I was/am flattered by that!

We're writing new songs for the next CD, which I will definitely appear on! :rock:

Rik is an INSANE drummer! He can go like a motherfucker! As you can hear on the CD. It's great playing live with him because he's steady, and plays the patterns consistently, so the cues are always there! I've played with drummers that played the songs differently each time... very frustrating... although not NEARLY as frustrating as drummers with "roller-coaster" meter!

:rock: :rock: :rock:
Clammy said:
To be honest, I was/am flattered by that!
Bollocks! I'm sure you left them breathless with your audition ;)

We're writing new songs for the next CD, which I will definitely appear on! :rock:
Looking forward to it. Are recordings on the way already? Will you compose some songs or help in the composition?
Wyvern said:
Bollocks! I'm sure you left them breathless with your audition ;)

Looking forward to it. Are recordings on the way already? Will you compose some songs or help in the composition?

We haven't recorded anything yet.

The writing is collaborative in Exciter. John comes up with the basic riffs,a nd we all add bits here and there and determine structure, etc... if I have compatible riffs they will be used as well.

:rock: :rock: :rock:
sixxswine said:
Clam, any chance of you guys playing in the Northwest portion of the USA?!It would be great to catch the band. And you could meet the most average guy, you have EVER met. Me.

Sixx, we'd LOVE to do full US tour, but it depends on ecomnomic viability. Our fanbase is mostly in Europe, so that's why we're concentrating on booking a tour over there. All I can tell you is if we do come around, I'll let you know.

:rock: :rock: :rock:
Any chance for you guys to hit Sweden on that tour?

I picked up the new one just yesterday, after I had listen to it I felt a strange force to get my collection and start to play the old vinyls once again.
Aethyrs said:
Any chance for you guys to hit Sweden on that tour?

I picked up the new one just yesterday, after I had listen to it I felt a strange force to get my collection and start to play the old vinyls once again.

It's possible. I'll have more details in the next few weeks. As soon as anything is confirmed, I'll post about it.

:rock: :rock: :rock:
Unfortunately, Clammy has a point, Europe is very supportive of
Metal. I wish the States, would get it together & embrace all these killer bands, that are busting their asses to make records.
Way too many bands get overlooked, and never get the chance tour the North America. Just look at a band like Edguy? These guys are playing like three club shows in the USA?! That's a fucking outrage!!!! It's an insult to the band & an insult to the fans that bought their last record. I guess it comes down to buying their records & not ripping it from the net. It might not hurt the mighty Metallica, but it hurts the little guys....
sixxswine said:
Unfortunately, Clammy has a point, Europe is very supportive of
Metal. I wish the States, would get it together & embrace all these killer bands, that are busting their asses to make records.
Way too many bands get overlooked, and never get the chance tour the North America. Just look at a band like Edguy? These guys are playing like three club shows in the USA?! That's a fucking outrage!!!! It's an insult to the band & an insult to the fans that bought their last record. I guess it comes down to buying their records & not ripping it from the net. It might not hurt the mighty Metallica, but it hurts the little guys....

I don't really believe that downloading affects bands as much as the record companies say. More like:

1. CD prices
2. The fact that there's a good chance you'll get 3 or 4 good songs and 6 fillers for your $20.00, so less people take a chance and buy one based on hearing a good tune.
3. Lack of promotion (can't go out and buy a CD if you don't know it's out!)
4. Lack of tour support by the record companies.

I believe that a person who downloads an album and then never buys the CD isn't a fan of the band, and never would have bought it anyway.

If anything, people can now preview a CD before shelling out the bucks... bands should be aware of this and ensure they put out a solid CD's worth of material.

I've read studies that say that downloading off the internet has had a negilgible effect on CD sales, and that there has been a downward trend in sales for years before P2P ever existed.

The only real losers are the record labels, since the royalty rates the artists, that actually create the music, get are a sad joke.

:rock: :rock: :rock:
I have read those studies to Clammy. And I agree to a certain point. I still feel sad when people tell me they downloaded complete cd's and do not intend to buy the real product.

I think record companies should get with the program. They are acting like dinosaurs and are trying to protect their vested interests when the market is already passing them over.

Since almost any band can now produce a good sounding record in a someones or their own home studio the real issue these days is promotion and distribution. For promotion the internet is getting more and more important. Webzines place reviews and fans inform each other really fast. The metal scene has never been Dependant on big adverts in major media outlets.

Almost every country has their hard rock/metal magazines. So what am I saying here? The record companies are on the losing end here. Time is running against them. They must adapt or go down! It will not take long before your mobile phone will warn you that the new album of your favorite band has been released.

You will see the flash commercial on the screen of your phone. Next comes up the screen if you want to download the album via the broadband connection [your credit card will be charged] after you have been giving your pin code and password the album [including the cover and all relevant info] downloads on your phone. Your can listen to it right away! When you come home you print out he sleeve and burn the cd. This will be the very near future. Band will be able to sell their album from their homepage bypassing the record companies. For those with a broadband connection they can also offer the cd with DVD video images. Of course for an extra prize.

This will strengthen the contact between bands and their fans greatly ! Think of the possibilities! Sure this will not happen tomorrow and their are problems that need to be solved. But the future is coming!!

Better be ready for it! :rock:
As I look how many CD's are bought in the oldschool forum, the CD-industry must be very well alive... Like Clammy says, now people can decide to buy a CD by listening to more than one song of that album, to be sure to get some good music for your money.
I download stuff, if I like it alot I buy the CD. The only "illegal" downloading I do is 1980's stuff, albums (or mostly just songs) I used to have on vinyl and don't want to pay a second time. (to fill up music-company pockets). I payed for them once , that's enough. But for new material, I wanna support the bands and buy CD's, unfortunatly I think I more support some fat music company bosses than the bands themselves. Producing (printing) a CD is extremely cheap these days, and MUCH too little of the CD-price goes to the bands. I would like to see the industry evolve to a situation where you can (for payment) download the CD's from the band's websites, so the money goes straight into the bands pockets. There are a lot of bands already that offer their own produced CD's on websites. For smaller unknown bands this is often the only way to get some money for the music they produce.....
I think you will start to see that witin a few 5 to 8 years. Most of my message dealt with the not to distant future. I hope to see this in about 10 to 20 years, it could be sooner.

As for the record companies still being alive today, yes most of us are getting uour music the old way. But then we are a bunch of old farts :lol:

I am convinced the younger generation will get most of their music from the Internet. In the long run the industry will have to adapt or wither away...
carnut said:
As I look how many CD's are bought in the oldschool forum, the CD-industry must be very well alive...
Yes but keep in mind that we're from an "old generation" here, even for the young people like me, if you see what I mean.
Because as Hawk just said, usually younger generations don't care about supporting artists nowadays, thinking that music is free for all. They don't realize that producing music has a cost.

By the way, the biggest melodic Metal label in France has just closed down and others will probably follow soon... ok the drop of sales wasn't the only reason, still it was part of this failure.

The whole d/l thing can help artists but only if people are willing to support them later on. What we do here, fortunately.