Exciter's New Testament


As Good As Dead
Jun 7, 2002
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I picked this up last month, adding it to the pile of Exciter I have (I think I own everything this band has ever put out) My brother in law and I in our high school daze picked this band as our 'pet' -- you know, everyone had one -- Motley Crue, Ratt, etc. Exciter was ours.

And along comes Long Live the Loud -- I've said before, easily in my top five all time albums, and I'm totally hooked. Always bummed that I could never get a fresh sound off my vinyl print, never could record it to tape that sounded very good.

So here I was salavating, hearing the news of re-recordings of three of LLTL tunes on the New Testament, but man, when I got it, I wasn't happy with the production on these. Especially the bass -- even on my worn out album I could hear some pretty cool shit in there, (esp the song Long Live the Loud) but I can't hear anything on this new one. John must have opted for this sound, maybe to keep them similar to the originals, but his bass is terrible IMO.

So, Clammy, when I get to see you play someday:headbang: :headbang:, please turn your amp up to 11 to compensate for the New Testament!! Good luck on the upcoming Europe tour -- make it out to SF someday and this fan will be there.
Insania said:
I picked this up last month, adding it to the pile of Exciter I have (I think I own everything this band has ever put out) My brother in law and I in our high school daze picked this band as our 'pet' -- you know, everyone had one -- Motley Crue, Ratt, etc. Exciter was ours.

And along comes Long Live the Loud -- I've said before, easily in my top five all time albums, and I'm totally hooked. Always bummed that I could never get a fresh sound off my vinyl print, never could record it to tape that sounded very good.

So here I was salavating, hearing the news of re-recordings of three of LLTL tunes on the New Testament, but man, when I got it, I wasn't happy with the production on these. Especially the bass -- even on my worn out album I could hear some pretty cool shit in there, (esp the song Long Live the Loud) but I can't hear anything on this new one. John must have opted for this sound, maybe to keep them similar to the originals, but his bass is terrible IMO.

So, Clammy, when I get to see you play someday:headbang: :headbang:, please turn your amp up to 11 to compensate for the New Testament!! Good luck on the upcoming Europe tour -- make it out to SF someday and this fan will be there.
I love the record, it's a great introduction to the band. For those like me that are newbies to the band. I have my review of the record permanently arcived on www.metal-archives.com/ just do a search for Exciter!!!!
I guess I'd take Belanger on either Blood of Tyrants or The Dark Command before this new one. I think he hits the vibrato too much on the new one. And of course, the bass...

Regarding newer Exciter, I think the Dark Command is a fuckin' great disc, the best of the three with Belanger IMO. Many songs hark back to very early Exciter, with a single, killer riff played throughout the song.

That you got New Testament, you've already got a few from Dark Command, re-recorded. You'd like the other two, if you don't already have 'em.
Insania said:
I guess I'd take Belanger on either Blood of Tyrants or The Dark Command before this new one. I think he hits the vibrato too much on the new one. And of course, the bass...
I like when Jacques uses his vibrato, it brings more vocal variety to the songs in my opinion. I see what you mean for the bass though.
I must ask... What the FVKK is up with the guitar tone on that album? It sounds like nothing I've ever heard, and I'm not sure that's a good thing.
Erik said:
I must ask... What the FVKK is up with the guitar tone on that album? It sounds like nothing I've ever heard, and I'm not sure that's a good thing.

John used a Hiwatt head, that he told me had a LOT more natural distortion than his Marshall, to record with on the CD. I'm not sure why he used it as opposed to his Marshall... I dig the guitar tone on the CD, but I do prefer his Marshall tone! I'll have to ask him why he used the Hiwatt for the CD.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Insania said:
I picked this up last month, adding it to the pile of Exciter I have (I think I own everything this band has ever put out) My brother in law and I in our high school daze picked this band as our 'pet' -- you know, everyone had one -- Motley Crue, Ratt, etc. Exciter was ours.

And along comes Long Live the Loud -- I've said before, easily in my top five all time albums, and I'm totally hooked. Always bummed that I could never get a fresh sound off my vinyl print, never could record it to tape that sounded very good.

So here I was salavating, hearing the news of re-recordings of three of LLTL tunes on the New Testament, but man, when I got it, I wasn't happy with the production on these. Especially the bass -- even on my worn out album I could hear some pretty cool shit in there, (esp the song Long Live the Loud) but I can't hear anything on this new one. John must have opted for this sound, maybe to keep them similar to the originals, but his bass is terrible IMO.

So, Clammy, when I get to see you play someday:headbang: :headbang:, please turn your amp up to 11 to compensate for the New Testament!! Good luck on the upcoming Europe tour -- make it out to SF someday and this fan will be there.

When the CD was mixed, their goal was to make the guitars very prominent. As a result, the bass got a little buried.

I play loud anyway, hehehe... but I am not as flashy a player as Allan Johnson was, and I play my own interpretations of the songs. I do some stuff, but not nearly as much as him. I think I do preserve the feel of the songs though, from the bass point of view.

I'd love it if we come to the west coast of the USA. If that happens, you guys will ALL know about it, hehehe...

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: