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May 22, 2003
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Behemoth are doing 2 back to back US TOURS!!! FUCK YEAAAAH

and both are going to MA. I get to see one of my fav DM bands twice within three months. And Nile are on the second tour, another one of my favorites. My cup runneth over.
*end rant*
Pyrus said:
I will never forgive Nile for headlining over Kreator (and also being boring). Fucking faghats. Otherwise, I'd go see that second tour, since Behemoth is pretty cool.

Do they have a new album out or something?
yeh, its not released in the states yet, but i have heard it. Its called "Demigod" and its one of the finest pieces of death metal i have ever heard.
Wolftribe said:
yeh, its not released in the states yet, but i have heard it. Its called "Demigod" and its one of the finest pieces of death metal i have ever heard.

They are suppose to play down here in MAY with NILE, KING DIAMOND, and BLACK DAHILA MURDE. Ill be there.