EXHIBITION should play at Prog Power!!!!!!!!


New Metal Member
Mar 20, 2002
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Exhibition should be one of the bands that plays at Prog Power!! Their an AWESOME band that sounds like Dream Theater meets Fates Warning meets Iron Maiden!! I saw them open for Savatage and ,IMO, were the BEST band that night. They have just been signed and should have a Full lenght album out by late summer. Check them out at: www.exhibitionproject.com

Anyone who wants to see them at Prog Power should e-mail Glenn Harveston at: PPUSA@metalages.com and request that this incredible band be put on the rouster!!
thanks for the info, i'll have to check this band out....but i hardly believe they kicked more ass than Savatage..the Mountain kings!!! i mean come on! :spin:
But I have their Demo and its ok,they are far from what I would call a PPUSA caliber band though,not as of yet..It helps to be signed to a label as well..We shall see how they are on a full length cd...

I don't think Mr Harveston needs the aggravation - he's gone beyond the call of duty to get this line up together. Let's be grateful for what we have already!
As far as their demo tape goes, it's just that, a DEMO. They are 100% better live!! As from what I've been told, they just signed a deal and will have a full length album out by the Fall. As far as I'm concerned, I've heard some of the bands that are one the bill and IMO Exhibition is just as good if not better than some of them. Glenn Harveston should definitely reconsider adding them!
Well you are obviously a friend and thats all good,I will look forward to hearing them on a full cd...

But as for Glenn reconsidering adding them,I am sure he has been contacted by many many bands to play PPUSA...Also no offense again but they are hardly klnown in the Prog/Power Metal world as far as I know and I don't think they would be a very big draw...

Even a band Like Reading Zero that is unsigned but has 3 cd's and working on their 4th will be a bigger draw becuase they are well known in our community...

I hope they get the word out and again I look forward to hearing the full cd...
