Exodus frontmen


As Good As Dead
Jun 7, 2002
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Just yesterday I looked back at some of my insulin records from last year, realized that Paul Baloff's last show was one year ago tonight. I got sick for damn near a week after than one, what a show!

Zetro filled the bill for almost a full year, and in all those shows, and all the other bands and shows that I've seen since, he was the one who engaged his fans more than ANYONE else. Not to mention that I prefered him as the Exodus frontman, Zetro was a class act.

I don't personally know anyone from Testament, Exodus, anyone who posts, etc., but I do know what metal loses without him, someone who takes the time to tell the fans how much he appreciates them.

Go Raid'as!
Zetro has always been a fan favorite, because he likes to talk to his fans, & spend the time getting to know them. He might even remember your name, a whole tour later, thats the kind Public Relations that people remember & admire. He's a genuine good person, & loves metal, as much as anyone. In fact he told me, that when he just went to Europe, he signed more First Strike Still Deadly Albums, than Exodus albums. And was amazed how well informed the fans have remained. I think the one thing he will miss is his fans, & playing live for them.