EXODUS Guitarist To Former Singer ZETRO: 'Move On, Man, You Had Your Chance'


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Why I have read the same story time and again with so many bands? Is that difficult to part ways and don't look back?

EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt says that the band's former singer, Steve "Zetro" Souza, will never be asked to rejoin the group despite the fact that Zetro has gone "on a public relations blitz to get his job back."

In a June 3 interview with DJ JC Green of Metal Messiah Radio's "Heavy Metal Thunder", Zetro was asked if there is any chance that he will ever return to front EXODUS. "I would love to be there again," he replied. "It would be great for all the fans to be able hear me sing my songs again."

He continued, "[The current members of EXODUS and I have] talked over the past few years. They do have a singer; his name is Rob [Dukes]. Everybody knows that that's their singer for right now and until that decision is made otherwise, I completely understand and that's why I go along with [my new band] HATRIOT, for one. But how great would that be to see Zetro up there again singing those famous songs like 'The Toxic Waltz' and 'Cajun Hell' and all the good ones?"

He added, "I'm looking forward to it, too. I'm sure it will happen one day. One of these days it will happen. All you EXODUS fans will have to see. I hear you everywhere I go: 'Zetro, we want you back in the band.' [But] it's not my decision. If it was up to me, you know what I would do. So I just want you guys to know it probably will happen some day. Just keep your fingers crossed. Go to [EXODUS'] web site, [and] tell Gary Holt; he's the man you have to convince."

Responding to Zetro's comments after they were posted on BLABBERMOUTH.NET, Holt wrote, "This dude is on a public relations BLITZ to get his job back!

"Just because I don't hold a grudge [against him] DOES NOT mean he's ever gonna get his job back.

"What TOTAL disrespect he showed to me, Rob, and this band. I guess he figures he'll take it to the streets to build up some kind of hype. He believes what he wants to believe, I guess, that the entire world is waiting for his glorious return.

"He came to my birthday party and I figured he'd hit me up, but he's saving it for interviews. I'd feel bad if I were in his band, knowing all he wants to do is bail on them.

"Funny, the band is doing better than ever and we so desperately need him, it seems! LOL! . . . It's really quite sad, like a dude begging for his woman back even though she's long since moved on. Like 'I'll get her back, you just watch, she may be getting nailed by someone else, but she really belongs to me, she just doesn't realize it yet!'

"Move on, man, move on. [You] had your chance, [you] didn't want to work at it, now it's not waiting for you anymore."

In another message, Holt added, "I think [Zetro's] band [HATRIOT] is cool and they are a bunch of motivated youngsters with a lot of drive.

"I have nothing against Zetro; really I don't. I consider him a friend, but the lobbying through the press for people to convince me to give him his job back just got under my skin, because Rob is NOT a placecard holder in EXODUS, he's our singer.

"Zetro's place in EXODUS history is solid, he made some great records with us, and had a good run with the band. But this is now, not then, and we do not plan on throwing away what we have to go back in time."

Zetro left EXODUS in September 2004 on the eve of the band's South American headlining tour over what was described as long-standing business and personal differences. Holt subsequently issued a statement calling Souza "human crap" for pulling out the trek "only about twenty-four hours before were ready to leave." He added, "Yes, he did a killer job on the new album [2004's 'Tempo Of The Damned'], but mainly because we did not allow him to fuck everything up with his stupid Bon Scott impersonations anymore. We made him sing more like [previous vocalist Paul] Baloff. I tried to make it work. More than you can imagine. But he was (is) the most miserable pile of crap to be around."
exodus fans to guitarist:

rob dukes sucks ass. he is very generic. we want zetro back. btw i don't think zetro sounds anything like paul baloff on "tempo of the damned". he sounds the same as always
exodus fans to guitarist:

rob dukes sucks ass. he is very generic. we want zetro back. btw i don't think zetro sounds anything like paul baloff on "tempo of the damned". he sounds the same as always

Not *all* Exodus fans Matt. I like Rob Dukes and I could never, ever, stand Zetro. I stopped buying Exodus albums and visiting their live shows when Zetro became their singer. My favorite Exodus singer up 'till now is still Paul Baloff. But Dukes is doing a fine job IMHO.

Should Zetro return I would give up Exodus again. Now every time they are playing in the neighborhood I go and see them. But with Zetro... Dude even the though is his grating, boring, limited voice almost makes me feel sick. For me; Zetro is the worst 'singer' ever. I can't put down in writing how much I dislike his voice. :mad:
sorry. thats just you. rob dukes sounds the same as about 1,000 other vocalists. nothing about exodus stands out now. tempo of the damned was one their best albums and everything since then has sounded like like the same song by just about any new metal band out there
sorry. thats just you. rob dukes sounds the same as about 1,000 other vocalists. nothing about exodus stands out now. tempo of the damned was one their best albums and everything since then has sounded like like the same song by just about any new metal band out there

And that is of course *your* subjective opinion. But I repeat myself. ;)
And that is of course *your* subjective opinion. But I repeat myself. ;)

well others will voice their opinions here as well. we'll have to see what the thoughts about rob dukes are but having this same issue polled on the megadeth forum i have a pretty good read on what metal fans will respond with
So? Are you saying know know the opinion of each and every 'metal fan'?

Matt, As a history teacher I must teach children of 11 and 12 years old the distinction between opinions and facts. Are you saying you don't get that distinction? Just checking here.

If the overwhelming majority of metal fans agrees with you about Rob Dukes, will that make your opinion less subjective? If not, what exactly is the point of your remark above?
So? Are you saying know know the opinion of each and every 'metal fan'?

Matt, As a history teacher I must teach children of 11 and 12 years old the distinction between opinions and facts. Are you saying you don't get that distinction? Just checking here.

If the overwhelming majority of metal fans agrees with you about Rob Dukes, will that make your opinion less subjective? If not, what exactly is the point of your remark above?

it is an opinion but it seems most metal fans have the opinion that rob dukes is generic and between him and zetro they'd rather have zetro fronting exodus.
it is an opinion but it seems most metal fans have the opinion that rob dukes is generic and between him and zetro they'd rather have zetro fronting exodus.

Then we are in agreement. I have the impression most old school Exodus fans, indeed the overwhelming majority, like Zetro more than Rob. While you and others may hate it, I recommend Gary for standing by Rob.
Then we are in agreement. I have the impression most old school Exodus fans, indeed the overwhelming majority, like Zetro more than Rob. While you and others may hate it, I recommend Gary for standing by Rob.

i agree its nice he is standing by the singer unlike bands like anthrax but Gary's comments seem to come off as mean towards zetro. he sang on almost every album up until they got dukes, if you disliked the guys signing so much why keep him in your band for about 12 total years?
i agree its nice he is standing by the singer unlike bands like anthrax but Gary's comments seem to come off as mean towards zetro. he sang on almost every album up until they got dukes, if you disliked the guys signing so much why keep him in your band for about 12 total years?

Yea, I totally see your point.

I haven't liked them since 1986, so you're both wrong! :p

Of course we are! :D
I'm with Hawk, and not only for the fact that I know Rob Dukes. I, for lack of a better word, "tolerated" Zetro because I loved the band musically. I never liked his nasally tone. The only album that he is on that I LOVE is Pleasures of the Flesh. Tempo is pretty good too but other than that and a couple of songs on Fabulous Disaster, that is it. That being said, Rob is not my favorite singer in the world either, but the loyalty and commitment he has shown to this band has been unmatched by their previous vocalists.

Zetro said "I'm SURE it will happen one day." and "keep your fingers crossed, Gary's the man you have to convince." Not begging, but not innocent conversation either...

For whatever reason Zetro made the statement, it was the wrong thing to do. Gary had every right to say what he did, and HOW he did, considering he was fucked over by Zetro more than once including having to cancel a South American tour! I applaud his response. He believes in his band, and he believes in his vocalist. Remember, Gary did not dislike Zetro's voice. Zetro fucked them over! That's why he's not in the band anymore. Do you think the same thing wouldn't happen again?!? Do you think Gary is willing to risk the success they've had over the last 5 years so Zetro can get himself kicked out again or even worse, quit on him?!? Why not bring back the junkie Hunolt while we're at it!!?!! :heh: :D

Oh, and Dukes has dealt with this since he joined the band almost 6.5 years ago. He knows where he stands....
Just for the record I can't stand any of the vocalist of the band :D, but I felt some of you may find the comments interesting albeit I never thought the posts will be so passionate ;)
He's a big guy but he's not that big.
