Expect a few changes next year

freakchylde said:
I'll be sure to label my room at the Fairfield: "Official ProgPower Corset Lacer. Knock 3 times and repeat the mantra, 'Breathe through the chest, breathe through the chest, breathe through the chest."
with a subtitle

"Men's corsets and leather/PVC pants also Dealt With."

Hey Glenn! Thanks again for another killer ProgPower show.

In regards to placing autograph limits, that would really be a big disappointment. As much as I enjoy the music the other highlight for me is meeting all the bands and getting everything signed by them. It's great showing support for the bands and seeing their expressions when you show them all the cd's you have by them and they are grateful. I had every cd signed by every band this year and last and I went through the line very quickly saying a quick thanks. The problem I saw this year and last is that many people, and some without even anything to sign, were talking to the bands and simply chatting on an on thus making the lines move ever so slow. If you can let people know that they should say just a quick "Hi' to the bands and get their stuff signed and move on the lines would move quickly and everyone would get their stuff autographed. I kindly ask that you please don't put a limit on getting autographs as that is one of the real special aspects of ProgPower.
Thank you!

Harvester said:
Expect the following next year:

1. Lights on the stairs. If you noticed, there were actually holes cut out in on various stairs with light bulbs in them. However, the wiring was still screwed up. That will be FIXED next time.

2. Autograph limits. There will be a limit of three items per fan. Sorry, but it's not fair for John Doe to plop down 20 items to get signed while the fan in the back of the line loses out on any because the time ran out.

3. Total pat downs and searchs at the front door by multiple security agents EVERY TIME YOU GO THROUGH THE DOOR. I had several bootleggers this year and they have ruined it for everyone. I may ban backpacks/camera bags as well. I'm tired of this shit. If this happens, I will make sure that we have a bag sponsor so you can pile your cds in it. If things are as bad next year as they were this year, all photography may go as well. I'm so pissed about it that I even thought about stopping in/out privledges. If you see a bootlegger, REPORT them before it ruins it for everyone.

Glenn H.
Hi everyone,
I need to apologize to Glenn, and everyone for being one of the "troublemakers" with a video camera... but before you come to find me and kill me, let me explain. I wasn't breaking any laws, nor was I bootlegging, but I did bring a video recording device in with me based on my ignorance. I didn't read the FAQ before coming in, and didn't see any signs up, and the day I came in with it, I pointed to it at the door, and asked, "is this cool?" the security guard looked down and said, "sure". Had these things not happened, I would have gone back and dropped it at the hotel. My friend and I were making a vacation video for one of our fallen brothers. Just finding cool people, like Jon Oliva and asking if he'd like to say hi to my friend in Chicago, stuff like that. My friend was in a motorcycle accident 2 days before we were supposed to leave for this event, he shattered his anke and had numerous emergency surguries. I wanted him to see how cool the event was, and I guess I got overly excited and carried away. it was close to the end of the night, and a security guard grabbed me by the arm, and dragged me off demanding I relinquish the tape. it was screwed in so it took me awhile to get it out, plus I was still shocked to find out that I was being accused of bootlegging. I respect these artists FAR too much to attempt to rip them off, and I respect Glenn too much to try to rip him off, or cause him any trouble with promoters. I just want to apologize for being one of the people that broke the rules and now we all have to pay next year. If it makes anyone feel any better, I ate the $300 plane ticket for my friend, and never even found someone who would take the extra tickets to the show not even for free... so I ate the cost of those too... and returned home without photos, or a video for my friend to see.

Deeply Sorry,
Chicago Brent

Harvester said:
Expect the following next year:

3. Total pat downs and searchs at the front door by multiple security agents EVERY TIME YOU GO THROUGH THE DOOR. I had several bootleggers this year and they have ruined it for everyone. I may ban backpacks/camera bags as well. I'm tired of this shit. If this happens, I will make sure that we have a bag sponsor so you can pile your cds in it. If things are as bad next year as they were this year, all photography may go as well. I'm so pissed about it that I even thought about stopping in/out privledges. If you see a bootlegger, REPORT them before it ruins it for everyone.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
In/out privledges will remain. This year will be the final test as to the camera question. I will leave it up to you to report bootleggers. If I have as many problems next time as this year, then I will ban all but disposable cameras.

I'm going to make the effort to leave things as is, but I need your help.

Glenn H

That's a good idea. At the House of Blues in Chicago, they have a security guard in the balcony with binoculars who's sole job it is to patrol the crowd for bootleggers. Those LCD screens glow in the dark and just beg to be seen. Once a suspect is sighted, the security guard radios down to guards on the floor and directs the guard to the suspect.