expensive sanctuary shirt

hey u have something special :p hahaha

so shut the fuck up will ;) hahahaha
Aw crap.
I figured most sanctuary shirts are extinct....Would I be shot If I made my own? :ill:
I was thinking of painting one....but hrrmmm.....
My best friend does work at a screening shop :D
You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna search around and buy shirts of all the random bands nowerdays that I think have cult potential, then I'm gonna wait like 15-20 years and then come back onto the internet (or extranet or ultraweb or whatever it's evolved into) and then I'm just gonna say "Hey, I've got that shirt in mint condition, and you don't!", just cos I feel like being mean...
VickyH said:
it`s hilarious what ppl pay for a freaking shirt *faints*
well, yes, but I understand that kind of passion. I personally don't care, as I buy a t-shirt if I want it and it doesn't have to be rare.
I don't collect anything in particular (except that I'm obsessed with dictionaries but that's another thing, of course, lol).