explosions and shit!


Sep 12, 2002
i'm sitting here, minding my business circa 3 am when i hear a few ominous rumbles from outside, culminating in a clap of what i thought might be thunder

i look through one slot of the blinds, all agent-like, towards the college / biolab/ law school / hospital aggregate of campuses that is more or less across the street from me, and i see a flickering orange glow 100 ft in the air, where i imagine a rooftop of one of the taller buildings would be. but obscured by another building.

weird thoughts seep into my head so i decide to get dressed. poison gas seeping into the air thoughts.

2 minutes later i come back and i see nothing.

but right now it's about 45 minutes later and the firetrucks and ambulances are STILL pouring back there. i'm seeing ambulances from towns at least 25 minutes away. WTFFFFFFFFF

i'm thinking -- small plane crash?? I CAN"T SEE BACK TEHRE
jesus, MORE fire trucks and cops -- this truck had the most hideous siren i've ever heard -- what the fuck are they calling MONGOLIAN FIRE TRUCKS NOW?
man, if that's what this is, i hope i'm replaced by a pod replica with better taste in music (you have to understand, DROPDEAD has sentimental value)

a brief sojourn outside revealed nothing but the distant barking of megaphones and the hum of heavy machinery..?!?!
goatschool will post that it was some sort of electrical fire, the panic was unjustified, life will return to normal...

...then some months in the future, a metal show will be attended, handshakes and pleasantries exchanged, a good time had by all...

...Toby, turning to Greg on the way home..."I thought Nick had blue eyes...not glittering silver?"