Ultimate Meatbag
Is it this?:We're "testing" with a laptop running Reaper to the following:
-Live Samples (w/ Click obviously)
-Run Drumagog for kick trigger (slate samples live!)
-Control our lights to the show (DMXIS KICKS ASS)
-5 Independent in-ear monitor mixes
And putting it all in this:
Using one of my Profire2626's 8in-8out analog this takes care of it all! No FOH mixers, Reaper is our mixer! Load up the tracks, volumes of eachother are consistent from show to show. Just run Preamp out from guitars, split the DI from bass and vocals and put it all into the profire. Stereo samples, headphone jack in the front for our drummer, rackmount 4 sennheiser iew, have all the routing and data saved in a Reaper session for our show. Drummer the number of the song track, gives him 2 measures to lead in and he's locked. Then we can all control how much of eachother we want to hear. I'm still working out a few kicks still... but overall it's running amazingly! Backup live will be an iPod of course though...
If anyone remembers i started a thread asking about live dmx laptop controlling, i saw animals as leaders do it, nile did it, plenty others too. The best program i've found was $260 comes with the interface too. It runs as a VST so you can control it with midi flawlessly! This sort of live stuff has been eating away at me for the last 2 months but i've figured most of it out. I'd be happy to help anyone if they are more curious about my setup as well!