
OSA Triumvir
Oct 21, 2005

The boys know we are here! Mape Ollila mentions OSA in his book on page 285.


"The band's US fan clubseemed to know for a fact that Nicole Bugner, who had just left Visions of Atlantis, was one of the people considered for the position. They began supporting her, apparently thinking that the new singer would be chosen according to the results of some referendum."

Well, it is not perfect. However, any metion is a good one!:headbang:
Holy crap i hate rumors. I cannot believe that we are still dealing with this thing. It was a THEORY and it was made very clear that it was ONLY a theory. If we had any inside information concerning who the next vocalist would have been, we would NEVER have leaked it. A true fan does not betray the band thusly, and any decent human being knows the value of confidence and keeping your mouth 100% shut.

It was other people, not associated with the OSA in any way who twisted it into an out of control rumor. People, unfortunately, never let facts get in the way of a good bit of gossip. In hindsight, the theory should NEVER have been posted. But hindsight is, of course, 20/20. Lesson learned, stick to the facts (aka publicly released information) because if you don't, even a casual theory, one of many that existed, will spin wildly out of all control or accuracy.

The facts are that the OSA was never behind or "supporting" Nicole. If that quote is correct (and i have yet to read the book.. though it is becoming clear that i really need to), i cannot be proud of that mention as it damages, labels and limits us in many ways, and is just plain ole incorrect in the extreme (in addition to then drawing conclusions about us which also are also incorrect. choice by referendum? puhlease). It just goes to show that you shouldn't believe everything you read.
I agree.... I don't think any publicity is good publicity. OSA is a better place than what we are being described as. I don't think it was something that shouldn't have been posted--it was a joke, a guess, we were just throwing around names for fun and we threw a LOT more names around than Nicole's. This one just happened to get blown out of proporation. That could happen to anything we say on here, it wasn't the fact that it was said that was the problem.

And yeah I totally don't get where the choice by referendum comes in?? It makes it sound like we were waving giant Nicole flags around and storming NightwishCamp @_@ when that is totally bizarre and completely remote from the truth.
Holy crap. The theory I posted here two years ago while in a state of shock mere minutes after Tarja's firing was announced made it into the Nightwish book? ... Whoa.
Holy crap. The theory I posted here two years ago while in a state of shock mere minutes after Tarja's firing was announced made it into the Nightwish book? ... Whoa.

Who were you two years ago? Wait, i think i remember a Fulorian. But no, a theory was formed and fleshed out with supporting circumstances in private and posted as a special editorial on the old web page. There was only one public mention on the old forum of the name "Nicole" before the theory went live, and it wasn't from you.

Regardless, the madness that ensued did not come from anyone's post on the forum. That topic was run rampant with every name you could imagine. It would have been impossible for it to come from that chaos. It came from the article/editorial theory on the web page.

No one should be trying to claim credit for that embarrassing mess. Not those responsible and CERTAINLY not those who had no part in it. Frankly, i long ago became sick of talking about it and i only want to be sure the record is set straight and kept straight.
Cool down guys :lol: :p

There exists the note of a few lines like Ray quoted above, but it is just that, a few lines long note in the 5 - 6 pages long chapter in the book. In the chapter Mape keeps telling about numerous facts, false news and rumours about who would become the new vocalist and all kinds of "information" :rolleyes: that was found around the world and stirred and mixed in the Finnish yellow press driven hullabaloo for a few weeks after Tarja was fired. :loco:
Fortunately nobody in Finland really took it too seriously. After all, people here are sophisticated enough to know and value the "information" delivered in the yellow press. And fortunately, it has been forgotten long time ago.

And hey, by now we certainly know who rules behind the microphone in our beloved bnad, don't we? :headbang:
Thanks for putting it all in the proper context Enigma. You are the level head, as always. I still may not like the quote and what it implies, but as you say, it's forgotten history. We are enjoying the present and looking towards a bright future. :]
I do believe we went too far a few years back when something was put on the website which had Ms. Bogner's picture superimposed with the rest of the band (I don't recall who's idea it was). Whatever it is...it's not important now. Nothing to get mad or upset over cause what's done is done.

But we got mentioned? Publicity rules!
I agree with Petri on this. We all need to relax. I was so happy that we were even MENTIONED, that I just ran to put up the quote. First of all, I was named a mod at 4 PM EST, October 22nd, 2005......around the same time Tarja got the ol' heave ho. On October 23rd, their was the letter and the theory on Nicole. I won;t say who it was, but it is a moot point. AT THE TIME, I actually believed it to be the Party Line, so to speak. We all need to relax as it is not that big of a deal.

But, for the next two years, we all came up with theories. Anything to keep the band's name in the spotlight. Whether is was Nicole, Lady Angellyca, Simone Simons, Marco in a dress, or my Theory of the Month, from the plausible (Tara Sloane, Sabine Edelsbacher, and Sabine Dunser, May she Rest in Peace), To the thouroughly ridiculous (Liv Kristine, Lady Angellyca, Hanna Pikarinen) to the incredibly Ill-informed (Remember my Papal Encyclical on the merits of Kim Goss? You REALLY wanna see the boys pissed off?).

The BIG PICTURE was that WE, Oceansouls of America, were mentioned in the book trying to offer a theory. NO OTHER club anywhere in the World was even given a word in the book. But WE WERE! It was not a negative thing. Mape did not say that we stalked Tarja, or mailed Tel's and Zelda's underwear to Marco's house, or did some other stupidness that embarrassed the band. He mentioned that we cooked up a theory on who the new frontwoman was. And, if you looked at it from the surface, it made perfect sense at the time. In and of itself, we got people talking about Nightwish.

And, at the time, that was all that mattered.

Enjoy it, folks.

Ray C.
Who were you two years ago? Wait, i think i remember a Fulorian. But no, a theory was formed and fleshed out with supporting circumstances in private and posted as a special editorial on the old web page. There was only one public mention on the old forum of the name "Nicole" before the theory went live, and it wasn't from you.

Regardless, the madness that ensued did not come from anyone's post on the forum. That topic was run rampant with every name you could imagine. It would have been impossible for it to come from that chaos. It came from the article/editorial theory on the web page.

No one should be trying to claim credit for that embarrassing mess. Not those responsible and CERTAINLY not those who had no part in it. Frankly, i long ago became sick of talking about it and i only want to be sure the record is set straight and kept straight.

I'm not trying to claim credit for it, but I guarantee that the one and only thread made about Nicole Bogner being the theorized new singer was created by me, less than two hours after OSA sent out emails about Tarja's firing. Ray ran with the idea, and I believe he created that photoshop with Nicole Bogner's picture over Tarja's in a picture of the band.

I know you're probably wary of random strangers making strange claims, and unfortunately you guys have been through so incredibly many hosts in the intervening time that it's impossible to verify - but I started that thread. Fact, not brag.

And I see ray still calls her Bugner for some reason I don't quite understand.
I'm not trying to claim credit for it, but I guarantee that the one and only thread made about Nicole Bogner being the theorized new singer was created by me, less than two hours after OSA sent out emails about Tarja's firing. Ray ran with the idea, and I believe he created that photoshop with Nicole Bogner's picture over Tarja's in a picture of the band.

I know you're probably wary of random strangers making strange claims, and unfortunately you guys have been through so incredibly many hosts in the intervening time that it's impossible to verify - but I started that thread. Fact, not brag.

And I see ray still calls her Bugner for some reason I don't quite understand.

A few other things to set straight..

1) The OSA has only had 3 hosts (unless there was a very early one before my time that i am unaware of, but i do not believe so). Originally, it was graciously hosted by AMBR and Dave, the wonderful people behind www.beyondearcandy.com. Eventually, a decision was made to move everything under our own banner at www.nightwish-osa.com and was personally hosted by our previous webmaster. This is where we eventually had the problems that plagued us. Finally, here we are at Ultimate Metal. So i do not know where you got the idea that we have had "so incredibly many hosts".

2) The forum topic in question was a general topic about who the new singer might be. It wasn't specific to any one vocalist.

3) Ray had no hand in the creation of that theory. As for calling it Bugner, i think that's just a typo?

Anyway, nuff said :]
I'm not trying to claim credit for it, but I guarantee that the one and only thread made about Nicole Bogner being the theorized new singer was created by me, less than two hours after OSA sent out emails about Tarja's firing. Ray ran with the idea, and I believe he created that photoshop with Nicole Bogner's picture over Tarja's in a picture of the band.

I know you're probably wary of random strangers making strange claims, and unfortunately you guys have been through so incredibly many hosts in the intervening time that it's impossible to verify - but I started that thread. Fact, not brag.

And I see ray still calls her Bugner for some reason I don't quite understand.

I created the Photochop? That is a good one. Especially since I was not even a mod for 24 hours when the s$$t hit the fan. I did not even know who Nicole Bogner was at the time. As for "Bugner", I got her mixed up with an old boxer by that name. I was bad with names until I got my feet wet.

I think the only controversial thing I posted soon afterwards was the theory that Marco threw down the gauntlet saying "Tarja or him." I was proven right about that when Marco quit the band three times, including a text message to all saying "I'm done!", which is in the book. :worship:

BTW, I remember Fulorian quite well. He was active on the old board until Tarja got the gate.
Let's not get too up in arms about this...I'm happy we got mentioned in their book at all. Besides, what's done is done, right?

Now, let us work to get mentioned in a better way...by showing our infectious enthusiasm at all the shows! Let our cheers do the talking! :headbang:
I don't know where they got that information, I was personally pushing for Shagrath to be the new singer, but we can't always get what we want.
LOL, how hilarious that in spite of all our attempts to say over and again that it was just theory, people took it as fact anyway. I think, if I recall rightly, that I even wrote a short article naming some gals whom I thought would make good replacement singers, as a way to show that we were not supporting one person, nor did we ever think it was anyone in particular.

I do know that I made more than one post saying several times that OSA did not support Nicole Bogner nor were we "supporting" anyone. But, people are going to read between the lines on whatever they want, and I've come to expect it among Nightwish camp. Although I did expect a bit more from someone actually writing a book about the band.

But, bad press is better than no press, although I notice Mape did not bother to contact any of us for comment, despite his having my e-mail address.
*makes milking motion* eeheeeeeeee!

I do remember that on that page made with the NB theory & pic, it was called "The OSA's Official Theory" or something, which does sound like we were all on board promoting it... I dont know who chose that wording but it is prolly why people took it wrong. Also as I've mentioned to many people before this is why we need to be wary of how we title our threads... not an explosive and sensational "NICOLE BOGNER IS THE NEW NW SINGER" but "THEORY: Nicole Bogner filling singer slot?" etc. Let's not all go National Enquirer here :p