EXTREME AND SHOCKING SCANDAL!! Vintersorg plagiarism!

Mattias the Bitch Boy

New Metal Member
Dec 1, 2001
The first track off Cosmic Genesis was taken from THE POWER PUFF BITCHES! Whenever Mojo Jojo enters the scene, the same music is played!

This is indeed an outrage. I am shocked, offended, and can no longer call myself a fan. I am going to start a petition asking Vintersorg to give us all our money back, because I just cannot tolerate this. Vintersorg is a THIEF!! A BURGLAR!! A MURDERER, and a NAZI!! Good day to all of you.
Originally posted by Mattias of the Night
The first track off Cosmic Genesis was taken from THE POWER PUFF BITCHES! Whenever Mojo Jojo enters the scene, the same music is played!

This is indeed an outrage. I am shocked, offended, and can no longer call myself a fan. I am going to start a petition asking Vintersorg to give us all our money back, because I just cannot tolerate this. Vintersorg is a THIEF!! A BURGLAR!! A MURDERER, and a NAZI!! Good day to all of you.
Go back to the In Flames forum ;)
The question is who copied who... Mr V might have listened to it under some psychotropic influences and later it poped out in his head and he thinks it's his compo...or the Power puff bitches are the ones copying....
Originally posted by niniel
The question is who copied who... Mr V might have listened to it under some psychotropic influences and later it poped out in his head and he thinks it's his compo...or the Power puff bitches are the ones copying....

AHA, but you see, the latter case is WRONG, which I have cleverly proven by using INTELLIGENCE. Most of the Power Puff Bitch Shows that I've seen have always ended with a "Copyright 1999" thing. HOWEVER, if you LOOK at Cosmic Genesis you will see that *gasp*, that, it's from the year 2000!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

And there you have it! OFFICIAL PROOF that Vintersorg is nothing but a COMMON CROOK! Can YOU support a man like him? I can't.
did anyone ever think that he might not even have seen one episode of those powerpuffshits. It is a possibility...and the musical key combinations are not totally infinites...

Did I accuse him of copying me when I heard the first riff of Om regnbagen materialiserades? No, I did not. But I composed the same exact riff about 2 years ago without ever hearing anything of or about vintersorg. It might happen that different composer play with similar scales and keys and have similar tastes for what note should come after the former.
I'm in a little chock here..and very confused. Astral and arcane is a song that I wrote in ´1994-1999 and I've never heard of the mentioned band(or whatever it is) I don't know what you mean with the similarity(or theft as you call it) do you mean the intro for the song with the weired monk choirs and keys, or the riff that opens the track, the twin vocal thing in the begining? The first riff is actually a very old riff from the Varagatron days back in '94 and it came back to me in '99 as I started to write Cosmic... it was never used in Varagtron, as we didn't do any official recording.

Even if I had wrote the riff today I don't see the very bad thing about it......the western music is based upon a twelve tone system,(while for example chinese on five tones) that people twists and bends, changes harmonies and and chords within. The same patterns with diffrent structuring and rhytms, the same tones but changed sequence. It's all mathematics, and have been forever, the music we listen too are just the third state of music, if we see it through a philisophical perspective.

It's even present in some astronomical diagrams and systems, where Jupiter is the tierce, Mars the fifth..etc it's all mathematics. and of course from time to time you stumble across something that have been expressed before without knowing it. Every single song written now adays will always carry the mark of another song, but of course theese things aren't something that the composer think of or are aware of when composing, but the limitation of the system narrows it down to that.

And why should I copy someone else when I have myriads of melodies and harmonies, disharmonies and arrangement inside me? And by the way I've never heard of the band mentioned. So if you want to hear virgin tones we must create a vaster system.

mr V
Hey Mr. V! I didn't think you'd actually post here!

Anyway, I was only joking about the theft thing of course, it's just a little similar. The Power Puff Whores is a cartoon (which I watch because it REWLZ by the way, best show ever, so SHUT IT Deadboy), and when the evil monkey of a villain first appears in an episode, almost the same melody as the one in the beginning of astral is played.
@Vintersorg: hehe, my guitar teacher told me the same thing, he said that every melody is used before:)

btw I let him hear a song of Thyrfing, don't remember the song name, but he said that that is a melody of a stupid tv program for kids!!:lol:
Originally posted by YMIR
@Vintersorg: hehe, my guitar teacher told me the same thing, he said that every melody is used before:)

btw I let him hear a song of Thyrfing, don't remember the song name, but he said that that is a melody of a stupid tv program for kids!!:lol:

"Stupid tv programs for kids" do tend to have kuuul music though!
hehe, maybe you should download somewhat from 'Kabouter Plop', that's the tv program I mean, the melodys are great and the music is very funny!!