Extreme Leftism


Mar 11, 2004
For as long as events have been recorded, working people have suffered under the authoritarian rule of those born or able to steal greater wealth. In order to reverse this unjust and destructive practice, the value of money itself must be de-emphasized and a larger social goal found. For this reason, leftism was created.

Leftism is a belief system spanning from liberal socialist democracies all the way through totalitarian communism, but all leftist systems are unified by a belief in the worker and the common people having the right to self-determination. It also embraces the overthrow of the moneyed elites and the destruction of elitist power, culture and dogma. We do not believe any human is more valuable than another and oppose all those who do.

Over the last century, with the development of industrial technology, this situation has become worse not better. This has caused the realization in many of us that this society, left to its own devices, will never rectify the situation and it will only get worse. Our only recourse is extreme leftism, or leftism made more urgent and radical by the necessity of this period in history.

Extreme leftism says that no method is off-limits, and no revolution can occur too quickly, for us to turn this ship destined for hell and to point it instead toward a Utopia of equality, justice and individuality. The money and power elites will stop at nothing to crush us, so we must never cease our action to oppose them. And in fact, we must amp it up a notch and take it to a new extreme.

We do not believe any human is more valuable than another and oppose all those who do.

Yet you believe that (your) ideology is more valuable than life, since you propose "extreme" methods (which I can identify primarily with violent ones) to achieve what you desire. You also seem to be an absolutist, since you suggest that your system will lead to a utopia and must be reached, no matter what the method. It appears, then, that your beliefs are contradictory. Have a nice day.
More government never solves anything, which is what you are proposing. More government only creates more bureacracy, more waste, more expenses, and eventually less individual freedom as they pass laws for their own survival.
Extreem leftistm never works, because humans are too corupt. The USSR, a "Comunist" government was far from equal. I'm all for a somewhat leftist government, but I think the extreem left is just as bad as the extreem right.
For as long as events have been recorded, working people have suffered under the authoritarian rule of those born or able to steal greater wealth. In order to reverse this unjust and destructive practice, the value of money itself must be de-emphasized and a larger social goal found. For this reason, leftism was created.

Leftism is a belief system spanning from liberal socialist democracies all the way through totalitarian communism, but all leftist systems are unified by a belief in the worker and the common people having the right to self-determination. It also embraces the overthrow of the moneyed elites and the destruction of elitist power, culture and dogma. We do not believe any human is more valuable than another and oppose all those who do.

Over the last century, with the development of industrial technology, this situation has become worse not better. This has caused the realization in many of us that this society, left to its own devices, will never rectify the situation and it will only get worse. Our only recourse is extreme leftism, or leftism made more urgent and radical by the necessity of this period in history.

Extreme leftism says that no method is off-limits, and no revolution can occur too quickly, for us to turn this ship destined for hell and to point it instead toward a Utopia of equality, justice and individuality. The money and power elites will stop at nothing to crush us, so we must never cease our action to oppose them. And in fact, we must amp it up a notch and take it to a new extreme.

I am sorry, but just how has the situation in the world gotten worse in recent centuries? Is it all the wealth and long life that's bothering you so much? Don't you see that even though Capitalism distributes wealth unfairly, that those at the bottom still profit from it?

Can you not see that the working class of the United States is FAR richer than the Upper Classes of many other nations????

Capitalism works. Nobody gets pounced on, and nobody 'steals' wealth. Wealth is generated. And ANYONE can do it, including the poor.

The poor should be thanking the rich for building the companies that give them jobs and opportunities. And any one of them has an equal chance of getting rich themselves.

Where is the problem?!
PerishInFlames said:
Capitalism works. Nobody gets pounced on, and nobody 'steals' wealth. Wealth is generated. And ANYONE can do it, including the poor.

The poor should be thanking the rich for building the companies that give them jobs and opportunities. And any one of them has an equal chance of getting rich themselves.

Where is the problem?!
the problem is, people are often too lazy to get their asses up and do something for their wealth. it's easier to do nothing and get money from the state instead, at least here in germany where the 'welfare state' is ridiculously oversized.
First off, wealth is unnecessary. People strive for wealth because they are overly greedy and want to show off. Someone can just as easily grow food and live off the land. We don't all need to have a flashy car and mansion.

I don't feel sorry at all for the poor. The poor are either lazy or not smart enough to figure out how to generate money. Who's fault is this? Their own. End of discussion.
Because obviously no one could POSSIBLY have been screwed out of money, right? Government outsourcing HELPS create jobs over here by shipping them to other places! Shifting the tax burden onto people who can't afford to pay it promotes economic growth!

Regardless of how stupid conservativism can be, liberalism can be just as bad. Far-left governmental systems just won't work. Not because they couldn't- far from that, they could be extremely effective in achieving their goals, if it weren't for the fact that people will always screw it up. Stupid or greedy people will always find a way into the system. This is also true of the far right. A dictatorship COULD work, assuming you could find a dictator who was always nice and kind with a huge heart and a love of bunnies. Not going to happen.
"Because obviously no one could POSSIBLY have been screwed out of money, right?"

We must generalize here. We can't look at the very few, who through unconventional circumstances, have fallen on hard times, then discard the vast majority who are where they are because of their own doing. People are where they are largely because of their own actions. Blaming the government is everyones excuse. Even with government fuck-ups, the majority of homeless deserve what they have.
10293847 said:
"Because obviously no one could POSSIBLY have been screwed out of money, right?"

We must generalize here. We can't look at the very few, who through unconventional circumstances, have fallen on hard times, then discard the vast majority who are where they are because of their own doing. People are where they are largely because of their own actions. Blaming the government is everyones excuse. Even with government fuck-ups, the majority of homeless deserve what they have.

The problem in modern society isn't the victims. It's that all of us endure mediocrity, forcedly.

infoterror said:
The problem in modern society isn't the victims. It's that all of us endure mediocrity, forcedly.


The problem in modern society is the abundance of individuality and the lack of trade talents.

No Revolution. How about....evolution? The more ego we all have, the more problems this nation will face. Pure and simple.
Forest of Åsatrú said:
The problem in modern society is the abundance of individuality and the lack of trade talents.

No Revolution. How about....evolution? The more ego we all have, the more problems this nation will face. Pure and simple.

Individuality leads to innovation. Maybe have less ego in terms of enviromental destruction, but otherwise its fine the way it is. Just need to diminish the government to some key essentials, and I'll be happy.
10293847 said:
"Because obviously no one could POSSIBLY have been screwed out of money, right?"

We must generalize here. We can't look at the very few, who through unconventional circumstances, have fallen on hard times, then discard the vast majority who are where they are because of their own doing. People are where they are largely because of their own actions. Blaming the government is everyones excuse. Even with government fuck-ups, the majority of homeless deserve what they have.

I guess I can agree with this. I wouldn't say very few though, a decent chunk of people aren't where they should be due to corporate bullshit. Some people will work hard and only acheive mediocrity even though they've earned much better, because of that. But I wouldn't say many people are HOMELESS because of the government- they just screw you out of what you SHOULD have, not everything you DO have. :) Most homeless people got there by a combination of depressingly unfortunate circumstances and really, really bad, stupid-as-fuck decisions (like, "Hey, this heroin can't be THAT bad for me!").