Extreme vocals - controlling breath when recording


Apr 25, 2014
Can anyone give me tips on the breath sound that is being record for extreme black metal vocals?

Is it something the vocalist needs to control better or should I use an expander to reduce the volume of the breath sound between lines?
automation. lower the level of the breaths pre-processing (clip-gain etc). if the breaths are still disturbing, lower them even more with normal volume-automation. takes probably 5-10mins per song, imho not worth struggling around with an automatic process (expander, de-breather etc). sometimes clearly audible breaths are needed for the dynamic/impact of a vocal-line, no plugin can make this decision for you. similar process for sibilant- and plosive noises.

unless the vocalist have a really bad tecnique, i would not advise him to watch his breaths, because mostly the rest of the performance will suffer.

edit: this thread needs to be movet to the FHO section of the forum
unless the vocalist have a really bad tecnique, i would not advise him to watch his breaths, because mostly the rest of the performance will suffer.


When tracking experienced vocalists, you could tell them to lean back a little when breathing before/during a line.
I'd rather prefer cutting / automating the breath sounds manually through the vocal lane (depending on your purposes), than giving this work to a gate/expander due to strange artifacts which may be produced in the output.
Thanks for the comments! I will stick to manually lowering the volume myself, since that technique has worked just fine.