Extremely good new band

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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I just wanted you guys to know of a band called Hourglass and their cd called "The Journey Into"

The music is nothing earth shattering new but it is done extremely well. I could say this music constantly treads the line between prog rock and metal, even back and forth on most of the songs.

The guitars go from electric to acoustic seemlessly and done very tastefully. They keyboard is used as well and there are some very cool keys solos on the album. The singer reminds me of a somewhat cleaner sounding Jorn Lande (from ARK) on some moments. The only thing i would say is he needs more passion in his singing (he hits it sometimes and it is absolutely wonderful when he does). Needless to say he is very very good and pulls off the vocal melodies very well.

There are 6 songs with a total of 75 minutes. All the songs seem to be the right length though even if they are long. The last song The Journey Into is 27 minutes long and is by far one of the best songs i have ever heard. I usually dont like songs going for more than 10 minutes (but there are exceptions) but you dont know where the time goes when you hear this song. It is just that good.

I highly recommend this disc to everyone who likes prog and will be one of their best purchases of the year (at least i think so). For me this is the best CD of 2002. This beats out Symphony X's "The Odyssey", Freak Kitchen's "Move", Pain of Salvation's "Remedy Lane", and a bunch of others. I am so pleased with this purchase and I just want everyone to know about them and enjoy them as much as I do

You can check out some short samples (only like a minute long :() of each of the songs, but you will get an idea of how they sound.

I got the cd at www.lasercd.com

wow thats long :). Check them out REALLY!!!